
Showing posts from 2008

Sabar dan banyak bersabar for Tahun 2008 & ...

Fren, Tahun 2008 merupakan tahun yang banyak bersabar, sabar dan sabar tak menentu yeh! Apa kata tahun depan 2009? tan tan atan 2009 will be new to every one and mencabar atau tak terpulang pada rezeki masing-masing ok. Selamat Tahun Baru yeh yeh yeh.

Last few days as 2008...

Fren, 2008 is soon by gone and 2009 is coming soon, are you ready for 2009? what will be your big, midium and small plans ? What did you do for passed 363 days? and What is going on for coming 365 days? yeh yeh yeh. ask ourself ok fren. Do you have choices to make or no choice at all? Decision making must happen soon or just followed only? Yeh yeh yeh. What is life to you and what is your definition of it, fren?


Fren, Tahniah kepada mereka yang naik pangkat ke DM52 baharu - baharu ini. Tingkatkan usaha dan produktiviti bersama - sama ok? Tahniah. Saya ingin memberi "feed back" sikit mengenai pandangan kawan baik saya mengenai adanya staf atau pensyarah yang bukan bumi turut sudi mengajar anak- anak buah bumi di mana pada saya ianya merupakan suatu pandangan yang amat "fair" serta terharulah sebab usaha kami (guru-guru terlatih) telah dipandang dan dihargai serta diingati dan ingin saya mengucapkan terima kasih kawan. Justerunya, ingin saya maklumkan bahawa masih teringat dengan sejelas kembali pada zaman muda saya dulu, semasa atau ketika semangat baharu atau semangat berkobar-kobar menceburi diri dalam bidang pelajaran/pengajaran iaitu bermulanya hidup sebagai seorang guru sandaran dan guru terlatih (Sekolah rendah sehingga sekolah menengah) di mana kami selalu diingati bahawa "Amanah yang diberi harus ditunaikan khasnya ianya terdapat dalam lagu guru setiap ka...


Fren, Kecapaian sepanjang tahun 2008, apa jawabnnya? Just listed the achivements and non participated or failures then compare or have a look. what a wonderful man? Kecapaian boleh dari segi 1. career 2. Peribadi 3. Community 4. nation as well di mana yang telah dirancang atau tak di rancang sebelumnya, kan? Ini adalah kerana penghujung tahun 2008 dan akan menyambut tahun 2009 pilak yeh yeh yeh.

Peluang ke Dua

Peluang ke dua untuk gua merepek dan melepas geram sahaja so please do not answer me ok? Apabila setiap kali mulanya peperiksaan atau kursus PTK untuk akademik universiti bermula iaitu kebetulan hari ini maka setiap kali hatilah gua dan perasaan saya berkocak - kocak tak menentu hala yeh yeh yeh Why? Soalnya... 1. Saya makin tertinggal jauh dari segi gaji halal usaha titik peluh saya oleh kawan- kawan lain yang walaupun mereka jauh lebih muda dari segi perkhidmatannya di UiTMM ini daripada saya kerana saya "tak bercompetent sejak 2004 dengan setakat PTK 3 dengan keputusan setakat 4/4 sebab saya ini masih sangkut PhD study semenjak itu jua". 2. Cuti belajar 2 tahun tanpa elaun daripada 2004 - 2006 yang lepas ini amatlah besar harganya dan inilah batu sangkut saya sehingga hari di mana inilah punca menyebabkan saya ini dikategori sebagai "Pekerja /pensyarah yang Tak kompetent", sedih tak/ kan? Anjakan gaji - no way to me, maka tak ada peluang ke dua untuk ambil PT...


Fren, Peluang... tak selalu ada dan tak selalu dapat maka bagaimana kita menghargai dan menghayati peluang yang datang ketika itu demi masa depan di mana ianya digunakan demi mempertingkatkan diri sendiri supaya tak terlepas peluang yang mungkin datang sekali sahaja sepanjang umur. Nasib... nasib untuk mendapat peluang itu turut kadangkala tak ada see.... contoh nasib saya sebegitulah rupanya. Saya sebelum berpeluang mengajr di peringkat Universiti, saya berkhidmat di sekiolah rendah dan meningkat diri ke sekolah menengah sepanjang hidup selama 14 tahun tak berpeluang untuk samada peningkatan gaji (Triple, duble jump) ketika sistem lama mahupun SSB kerana diberi sebab adalah masih muda , kasi change kepada yang lebih senior. Peluang untuk diberi pangkat Guru Pakar turut tak dapat kerana masih muda dan belum sah jawatan dan sebagainya. Bila telah layak, sistem turut telah tukar, pentadbir telah tukar dan segala mula balik semula. Dapat PTK 3 dengan keputusan 4/4 pada tahun 2004, t...

Tidur 3 Jam

Fren, Tidur tiga jam sehari macam, ok? Bolehlah apa nak buat? Pasal apa tak lena ini? Jaga anak baharu lahir? Jaga anak kurang sihat- deman dan batuk? Jaga pasal PhD tesis? Jaga pasal apa? jaga jaga dan sentisa jaga maka menjadi tak lenalah tu? Betul? Tie sleep for 3 hours is actually not so bad but just because of age factor, this make the one's body system getting weak because of body recovery rate becomes much slower than before (Young time) ok, I am not too old but old enough to go on 3 hours sleep for few days then.... ? What? nak mampus? yeh yeh yeh


Fren, Journey is a trip with some distances (Longman Dic, 78) but in studying or especially the PhD's journey ? No ending man! Well, that is the journey for whoever wanted to take up the journey! However, orang lain, lain rezeki so this would to close down the case for further discussion, right? ok it is fine to me. At this moment and for coming time zone as well, I would change myself with the my way of thinking like just enjoying the journey and let's see where I will sail may landed later or how soon it will be some where as long as I enjoy the learning process before I get myself to so call PhD holder's ok (Paradigm Shift) yeh yeh yeh.- Bull shitting... yeh yeh yeh

Sedih dan hampa

Fren, Sad and disappointed man. Sad because tak dapat nak hantar penulisan tesi untuk VIVA. Disappointed because tak pandai B.I dengan itu tak dapat menyampaikan dengan lancar serta berkesan maka... gantui... gantui tanpa bertali and back to chapter 1 and 4 ... how to complate man/ Last but not least, apa nak buat, dugaan dan cubaan yeh yeh yeh.


Fren, Nak sabar, kena sabar lagi selagi belum grad, ini dia ... hebat oleg kerana ISO audit saja boleh batal perjumpaan pelajar yang ingin nak grad dan mengalah pelajar itu buat selam-lamanya? what professional are you talking about in Malaysia? What to do, in Malaysia this is really normal practice by authority or person in power and how to move forward if every power personnel is practicing double standard or ikut "Mood" sahaja. Yeh yeh yeh. Tak mampus? Nak mampus ? Biar orang atas atau tuhan yang membalas akan budi seseorang yang ba..ik punya... punya.

First day of the month

Fren, Hari pertama? Ada tak bersemangat baru? Ada atau Tak? yeh yeh yeh. Plan a month activities and the end of the month count on them and quantitive on the achievement, correct or not? Finally for the month is 20%, 30% or 99% plans were achieved ? Right! Don't know and don't ask me, is this normally we get to know ourselves? Plan? seriousness, commitment and consistent in accomplishing them? What else you could do without even maintaince to certain plan to get better right? Look positive, see positive , think positive and act positive then the end result would be positive or not? Well...

Lupakan, Cubaan

Fren, Lupakan apa sahaja yang buruk dan tak baik kerana demi masa depan, demi perjuangan hidup seterusnya saya ini mentah menta masih jauh dan lamanya lagi perjuangan di dunia nyata ini kalu panjang umur kehendaknya. Cubaan maka ada dugaan serta pergolakan, perselesehan serta terlingkup, termaktub dan apa sahaja dugaan dalam cubaan ini yeh yeh yeh, siapalah saya ini! Selagi rasa tak nak, tak sudi serta tak give up selagi itulah masa cuaan dan cua sedaya upaya sahaja yang menentukan itu bukan saya tau? yeh yeh yeh

Buat & Bikin

Fren, Well, apa nak buat? Buat dan Bikin lagilah, siapa suruh engkau yang cari payah dari 2001 lagi. Take it as challenging in this life ok! Demi diri, keluarga, bangsa dan negara yeh yeh yeh. Buat semula dan cuma seberapa teliti dan akan mencari English expert untuk read my piece for the following time or sehingga capai matlamat diri ok. Jawabnya buat dan bikin. yeh yeh yeh

Rasa lega

Fren, Banyak pening kepala, banyak kena jogging (jarak atau masa jog boleh). Inilah petua diri aku yang asyik pening lalat, pening otak, pening pening dan pening. Kalu hari tak hujan atau hari cuti sekolah, aku ada lebih masa sikit untuk jog lebih lama, seronok sungguh lepas geram atas trak stadium kita, kalu hari biasa agak kejar masa sikit kerana ker..ja lah. Semasa jog, lantaklah aku cakap dengan diri sendiri, atau cakap dengan pokok sekeliling, burung turut aku perbicarakan, dia orang tak paham dan tak membalas cakap serta turut dengar atau tak tak apa janji aku rasa lega yeh.

Tak payah cakap banyak

Fren, Cakap banyak tak ada gunanya jika tak ada tindakan susulan mengenai apa yang telah dipertuturakan dan cakap banyak tak guna juga kerana memang manusia tak nak dan tak mampu berubah kepada yang baik, jadi buat apa cakap banyak- banyak. Perpaduan teras kejayaan begitulah bunyinya, hebat tapi pemimpin "grass root" tak menyahutnya, lagi-lagi implementor mempunyai "interpretasi" diri sendiri di mana biasanya jauh betul daripada inspirasi kerajaan yang sebenar- benarnya iaitu maklumlah manusia jua. Tak nak cakap banyak lagi... choa

Give up

Fren, I give up, I give up to the system to the man and to the fortune only. There is no other way accept the fact that take some time for another semester just to go finalize my language problem in my thesis write out, no one can help and no one want to help at this moment because all busy with own commitment man. I give up, I give up just because I am a tiny human on this earth and I can't go against the reality big picture especially in mmy country (nationwide), reality or must realistic to the fact that we must relax , relax and relax, let's time to justifying own afford or work out and that also provided that there is ...

English language

Fren, Mak suruh belajar kuat-kuat ketika mak ada sejak muda lagi, tak dengar nasihat orang tua untuk belajar bahasa orang putih, sekarang menyesal kerana sangkut dalam penulisan tesis sebab bahasa ya? Cikgu suruh belajar bersungguh-sungguh bahasa, tak mahu cuma mahu main "Sukan" mahu main saja, sekarang menyesal, menyesal dan menyesal sampai tak terkata. Sistem pelajaran pulak tak tekan kepentingan bahasa, setakat lulus dah, itulah sistem ketika tu dah bila tak disuruh kan maka "happy" masa itulah jadi menyesal sekarang, dah terlambat, dah terhina serta tersesak nafas ooi. Akhir kata, salahkan diri sendiri saja, jangan salahkan orang yang mengandung dan jangan salahkan sistemtapi diri tak berguna, malas dan padan muka.

World Sports For All Cogress

Fren, After all, I just knew counterpart from Japan, South Africa, Korea , Polish and local Universities only. It was interesting because there were many information that I could gain and it was been notice that the next Congress will be held in Finland (2010), than Japan (2016) and 2012, 2014 organizers are not ready? Well, this year is in Genting Highland and it was glad event but our policy makers are not really appreciate on this move because there are veru few = nil until closing ceremony only they came so my question is : All relevance papers on the move of Sports for all would be consider or reach them or not? well, god knows ok. Last but not least, our participants are very seriuos in this attending 3 out of 4 presented paper, see UiTM is good, FSR is good man.

World Sports Forr All Congress

Fren, I just came back from one of the world congress which hold in local ( Genting Highland ) and it was attended by 550 candidates or delegates from 96 countries all over the world, was it grand? Well, it was very interesting because there were plenty of research and theoretical papers presented from over sea counterparts and there were in French as well. I was presenting one simple pre experimental study and it was ok only but I learned to handling Q & A with my experience in the coaching and training methodology field so I felt good through this chance given in this platform. Here, I need to say thanks to PBSM faculty and Dr Wee as well as Faculty Dean in this chance gievn. Thanks.

November 2008

Fren, November 08, I started up with going to present one paper in 12th World Sport for All Congress- Sport for all- for Life in Genting Highland from 3-11-08 to 6-11-08 and this is time I will miss my children because I am very close with them as their papa yeh yeh yeh. However, as their papa, I work hard and I try my best to upgrade myself in my career and this will giving them betterment if possible and they are my only aspiration in this life's journey ok. I love them and care of them as well. My intention here is to remind myself or frens that, please do take care of our own business and not take care about other people and self business never manage well yet you keep on need to be helped whenever small problem arise just because own self could not border self things before time or never ever get self early preparedness . Ask help only when you are really prepared well and yet there are uncontrolable variables happened there and then but if we could manage or control own...


Fren, What is professionalism? What about profession as a lecturer in IPTA or IPTS in Malaysia? Professionalism (Process) depicting through occupational become a professional. An occupation is a professional when its services are based in extensive body of knowledge, the knowledge differentiate between the service provider and the client is large enough, the community recognizes the importance of the occupation and sanctions its approval for the occupation to monitor and control itself, and the occupation institute a strict code of ethics. What about IPTA lecturers treatment to their clients? Is there professional enough if one supervisor did not committ to his/her supervisee in order to pass their thesis? Or either delaying the progress of completing their thesis? Well... let think about it?

Time and Money/

Time is money? Time and money? Time with money and Time for money yeh yeh yeh, which one that you choose to be hold it as your life principle or what? Time and sacrifying time for beneficial of others, what do you think it would be? time is only 24 hour for every one, it is fair and it is fact so what to do with it is mainly your business and try not to blame time not enough means money not enough but if without blaming others, life is not easy at all? yeh yeh yeh and what happen now is nobody ever and never blame eslf for wasting time by he/herself but pointed to other that's it. Time come and time go, where will you be at this moment and/or next? Time to go and time to come, what will you be ? Time for time and time for self must be seriously treated?

New Semangat?

Frens, New year? new days? new clothing? new house? new wife or new semangat? yeh yeh yeh! Well, to me personally every new year will or would bring good news or things to some one or other wise? Don't know man! Ne semangat to me means to start things with fresh memories and fresh conditioning as well as new breath with the surrounding and situations per se. New semangat must be able to go with new thinking or fiber of sensories or musculine aspect in life survive and be surviver in fittest man in the world.

Selamat Hari Raya

Fren, Selamat hari raya kawan - kawan bloggers, saya mengambil kesempatan ini ingin turut memohon maaf zahir dan batin. Saya rasa terlambat namun ucapan elok dan bermakna tetap akan saya sampaikan ok. Raya setiap tahun akan saya menziarahi rumah kawan-kawan muslim iaitu cikgu- cikgu dari sekolah - sekolah yang pernah saya berkhidmat dulu sejak 1986....sehingga 2001. kami akan bertukar pendapat dan pandangan serta beromoh kosong dan berinteraksi akan kehidupan masing- masing demi tujuan merapatkan silatulrahim. Sekali lagi turut mengingati kawan - kawan supaya berhati hati ketika di jalan raya dan berjumpa algi selepas raya break.

Mt Kinabalu Experience 2

Well, When we reached the Laban Rata (3272.7m), I was tire and Dr Yap was facing hard breathing probelm because of Altitute effects but not severe. We chit chat and look around Laban rata - well, fren, try to imagine since when and where do you have chance standing above the cloud level and cloud was around you man? He had voiced out that he would not be able to continue the journey for next day trip as early as early 2 am that we needed to reach Sayat-sayat and Low's Peak. Well, I was using my PR and motivating capabilities and efficiently I convinced him to get his early rest / sleep and so that he could go on the journey with his partner- me. One "interesting" incident happened in the Sharing shelter that night where Dr Yap seem liked "death sleep" and I could not sleep well because of the thiny oxygen environment but I still could felt the tireness so I just tried very hard to get some rest on double decker while Dr yap was below me. The intersting oar...

Mt Kinabalu Experience 1

Fren, I was up the Mt Kinabalu twice already -1) 26-4-03 and 2) 16-1-05, they were enjoyable and wonderful experiences that I had gone thru either alone with Dr Yap or second time was with my faculty members. Let me share about the first trip over there, I was actually went up after my intervarsity staff game on that year and alone with "Small van" from KK to Kinabalu Park where I booked my "shelter" on that time I met Dr Yap from PPK and we accompanied each other to hired the "Guide" to go up the 4093.2M high Low's Peak. Next early morning, we listened to the brief explanation on the whole trip, we walked and rest, we breath in the most fresh air in the world that time. Cooling weather which seldom that we could feel it, it is wonderful experience but tireness ok. I shared out Dr Yap's snacks and drink because he was so tired and he lost his appetite so rezeki jangan ditolak man. However, we chit chat along the journey and got to know each oth...


Fren, Progress needs afford, initiative and work out toward what you wanted to achieve by accumulating the "Karma" I think so? Progress report means ask some one to report on mainly how was the assignment/s on going stages and the one's future plan to achieve the objective/s? This need to provided the solid or assessable evidents in order to evaluate accordingly. There is no "free lunch" in the reality world because no matter what we plan or what we want, wee need to work out progressively alone or team work to gain the result and don't ever sit down there warm up your buttock and wait for others to help and help without self- regulated in progressive work out to get the profits ot objective/s.

Update; rearrange; remark and resetting

Frens, Time make the things happen, afford and seriuosness as well as sacrifying certain things that need to sacrify during the process then only could be clear as the end result. Update own data to the recent; rearrange those upside down into proper arrangement; remark for the passed noticification accordingly and resetting the proper flow of filing or notes would make a person feel more confident and the person would full with hope in the life.Yeh yeh yeh.

Kerja Tak Habis

Fren, Kerja Tak Habis just because of commitments concerned right? Commitments mean promise to follow a certain course of action (Longman Dic, 1978) and commitment to work or job or responsibility that been assigned also actually as one of the one's self-employability. The more you commited, the longer time that you need to spend in solving or settle those commitments ok and no matter how long or how is the thing goes on would give you self satisfaction or employer's satisfaction? No, it is not true and not necessarily over here because over here, we depend on the third party that the employer either he wants you or not but not that he needed you or not, do you understand what did I talk or not?

No topic

Fren, When some one is in critical situations and time then that is the time that every "inappropriate" things happened to the one, is it so call " Nasib" ? Well, ... No. gua tak percaya but admitted it man. E mail could not work or send massages to colleagues; my printer could not work in this critical time; my phone keep on asking me to check with info center and may suddenly shut off it self; my slipper and shoe also spoilt; my car keep on asking me to service him; my house phone pay for nothing because no internal line; my house is in trouble like dustbin or gabbage center or what?; my file as bushes and my file won't be able to clear as usual after all; my life is like I have house but not home and lastly my career also question mark? September of 2008, ... should not be this way if I know how to categorize and work out to solve problems.

Give up

Fren, Give up, give up and give up. This is the emotional phase that I myself need to do and think about it. Give up of too high hope, give up of idealisme, give up hope that is out of our own manageable but just work out only. Work according to own interest and never regret after the time being and the career that I love the most and this will be much better life philosophy to one right? Lupakan apa yang saya bebel sj.

Dahaga Apa?

Pagi-pagi pada pukul 8.15 hari ini (28-8-08) saya menerima satu panggilan yang agak memeranjatkan tapi agak menghampakan diri saya. Dahaga apa?Yeh Yeh Yeh. Salah seorang pensyarah di U pengajian saya telah menalipon saya dan dalam pertuturan kami, dia tersebut nama salah seorang Supervisors dalam komiti tesis saya maka saya ingat Dr itu nak berjumpa dan memberi feed back pada saya kerana saya telah SMS Dr tersebut tempoh hari namun jawapannya ialah pensyarah ini cuma salah tekan nombor Tan iaitu yang sebaenarnya dia nak cakap dengan Tan satu lagi dan bukan gua, yeh yeh maka hampalah harapan saya untuk berganjak dalam tesis saya, selamat hari merdeka yeh. Ha ha ha Walaubagaimanapun, saya tetap bersembang dengan pensyarah tersebut kerana memang saya kenal dia pun iaitu cuma berkisar akan progres tesis saya ini. Terima kasih atas keprihatinan dia terhadap progress saya dan ini mengakhiri panggilan itu. Jadi tahukan saya Dahaga Apa ya? Tak tahu pun tak apa he he he

Core business

Core business? What is this? Let's say an example : a police, his or hers core business is to maintain the pieceful and criminal with zero defect if posible right? A housewife- core business is to take well care about husband, children and as well as their main family... So a lecturer core business is to make sure that performance of their students are well take care with plenty of methods in the process of teaching- learning and this need commitment, afford , sincerity and time of the lecturer, right? My point of view is, there is limited chance or time for a lecturer to sit down and prepare their teaching-learning process or plan in term of the lecturer that need fulfillment of other duties like meetings, yeh yeh yeh. Ooph wrong number!

Busy, without busy

Fren, Are you busy? normally the answer would be Yes, why? Is this the common answer that you would hear from any one that you post the question? I think this is the way of protecting self to committ to any unnecessarily out coming assignment to the one, is this right way? Busy but without really proven busy would kill some one's initiative to work extra then suppostly so, this is a good way of one in rejecting assignment for one's to learn and to gain later. As the result people will answer the common answer that acceptable for practically every one of us. Life is full of challenges and full of commitments to let people to solve or to go with and there is nothing wrong that some one to answer with what is going on? Is there any things that I could help? ... yeh yeh yeh I don't think so ha ha ha

Hati Tak Senang, Otak bercelaru

Fren, Bila hati tak senang, otak bercelaru yeh. Apa yang berlaku seterusnya adalah seolah-olah hanya menjalankan tugas sahaja tanpa "Oom" atau tanpa hati perut untuk melakukan sesuatu tugasan. Hati saya tak senang disebabkan oleh pihak ke tiga dan oleh diri saya sendiri tak erti untuk mengawal perasaan yeh. Saya pikir terlalu jauh dan terlalu mendalam, apa yang perlu saya pikir sekarang cuma wait and see and look for solution yang mungkin boleh saya lakukan lebih praktik daripada asyik pikir apa yang akan berlaku. "Akan" itu mungkin sahaja namun mungkin jua akan berlaku sesuatu yang elok nanti , mana tau? Kan. Saya berkeadaan dalam suatu situasi yang agak "sukar" untuk menyuara atau memberi pandangan sebab dunia ini penuh dengan syak wasangka dan tak ada orang yang percaya akan satu sama lain kerana realiti "duniawi". Jadi ... apa yang akan berlaku, man? No real sense between human being?

Take a break

Fren, Take a break! take a break? Wao, what's that? It does not mean to do nothing but it is just to get some rest with a short time and then ready for further life's journey in reality life ok! true ? Well, take a break also mean that give some space to take breath so that a person won't fainted there and then man ok! Well, people said : "take a break" mean stop here and do not elaborate further , right? I wish I could take a break and I wish you also could take a break so that all of us will be happy and energitic later part in our life's journey. ok?


Hoi, apa itu? Belayar? maksud di situ diumpamakan suatu organisasi ini sebagai sebuah "Boat" jika melabuh lama-lama tapi tak bergerak disebabkan "captain" tak erti sangat menjanakan tenaga untuk belayar ke luar dari pelabuhan dan menjanakan hala tuju adalah amat merugikan, betul? Sekarang, nampak gayanya telah mula bergerak dan nak mula belayar iaitu syukur dan tahniah diucapkan namun apa yang terlintas di benak gua ialah berapa lamakah akan bergerak dan belayar? Atau bergerak tanpa belayar atau adakah ini berterusan dengan semata- mata bergantung pada captain sahaja dan bukan semua anggota kapar layar bersama ke? yeh yeh yeh. Sudah lah merepek sahaja, entah apa pa yang diceritakan , lepas geram ke ? yeh yeh yeh.

Aiming but stringent

Aiming and wishing would not be happening in real without stringent application process to follow yeh yeh yeh. As far as wishing without go thru stringent work out, nothing would happen right? What I concerned more was another one hurdle which thru my own experience : I had tried and faced many many time since I am in the line of my career passed 22 years which even I tried no matter how hard and I fulfilled whattsoever form to fill in yet no good news been recieved or it so happened as people used to say :Tak ada rezeki ke? I miseed many big and small boats since I joined my career part from one SPM holder until master degree holder as what I am now. Example: setiausaha sukan? guru pakar? even no way to get anjakan at all. Meaning that I am a "Kayu" and I never work properly or not working at all, so what's a waste of human capital in the organization, man yeh yeh yeh

Understanding and tolerant - bahang merdeka 51

Fren, Understanding = the act of understanding ; power to judge (Longman Dictionary of contemporary English,1978) this word easy to talk, to say and to yell but did not easy to act or never been appreciated or not easy to practice it, man? Tolerant = showing or practising toleration (Longman Dictionary of contemporary English, 1978) even harder to be understood and don't talk about how to practice this act see? Independent of Malaysia is going to 51 years in front door step but what is understanding and what is tolerant still need to be seious matter to think, to reaction with rationally without self centered or greed through out decision making especially policy maker in this case or even individually case.

Work with sincere

Self-employabilty is how well you prepared yourself andf how well you presented yourself to the employer or superior(Deiiloittee & Tounche, 2001). There are many values and various factors affecting or influencing one's self-employability and in this section, I would like to share about is on "work with sincere". Sincere means that you work as the position or post that you been assigned and you should know well about your job description or authority in term of work officially and with that you work accordingly and put in the social responsibility as one of them is sincerity to complete once task given to you with the quality concerned and some how, some time you need to corpoarate with others and this mean the net working involved. Work with sincere would be the main task for every single person in whatsoever field or position other wise things or "end result" might or most properly will collaped just because of work without sincerity and just because of...

Goodbye Guangzhau

What's that ? What happened? It was happening, bye gone is by gone Guangzhau yeh yeh yeh. Well, some how some one had applied to present one paper over there with the hope of 1) To buid up confident with local research as in line with over sea counterpart or not and 2) To promote the good name of local to over sea over there but failed or in soft ball game said "Out" -- Reasons 1. It is not own work but actually that piece of research had been through closely supervised and work together as well as permission gained from the partner. 2. Not up to "par" well, that is why we are trying to present there so that we could get the feed back. 3. There will be many other international conferences to come and not this time because economy facing inflation man. Well, it is over and is over so I hope that some one that who had applied that chance needed to send to further study in research for that field mainly because the work was not up to "par" so how man? h...

Time self-management

Fren, Time management is actually a very "fun" thing, once you yourself feel that you can't make it then it won't happened any things at all because you are not willing to manage it well (closed your intention to try at all) but if... You think that you can and you wanted to then within few minutes also it could happened some things which would make you happy and self satisfy at the moment or even through out whole day's mood, believe it or not? Just try out yourself and feed back to me yeh yeh yeh. An example : time from 2.45pm to 4.35pm, there were 8 items or things being settled which involved different places and needed to fill in forms and also needed to travel around town area. Well example only.

Where to go?

In order to coach some one from unknown to known in knowledge either cognitive or psikomotor need so much afford and high;y sincerity through out the whole process with progressive steps in training or learning. So Where to go? As far as learning is concerned, the process is the main "Content" or in other word , how you take the learning process in your mind and how you tackle them with open mind and open heart to whatsoever challenges as the end result of your learning "journey" Where to go? Where to ahead? Where supposed to go? and how to go ? How to achieve the goal/s? Yeh yeh yeh

Unfinished mission 3

Fren, Ai ya ya ya, even booked the appointment still could cancelled because of emergency leave by the third party man? What is going to happende to me after this? I don't know and I do not want to predict but hopefully good ones ok yeh yeh yeh. The moment of cancellation seem to be repeated like before so what a wonderful if my party or buddy could edit for me and this is the menyampah that I face now. Well life goes on so tan tan tan and sabar sabar and sabar ya?

Unfinished mission 2

Hello, Unfinished means hangging up side down and this will drag others become unfinishing yeah! work hard and harder som more but the result is still depend on others party, what a wonderful wait and unfinishing deal??? From this incident, I realize that myself especially is too weak and many unfinished missions from last time till this time. What is going to happen to myself man? Foundation, fundamental or basement must be strong, brilliant and perfect than some one would be much easy later partr either wise the one's mind would be tarnished by uncertainty here and there, who get what am I taliking or mean about? ha ha ha Send for editing would take time and money and then ... what woulfd happen yeh yeh yeh that's but I do fell sligthly better and yet long way to go in this journey, who could really understand what I mean man?

Kerja kerja and kerja

Rumah? kerja rumah. Tempat kerja? kerja. Kerja pejabat bawa balik rumah dan kerja. Kerjakan orang itu kerjakan diri jua sebab kena buat kerja macamana nak kerjakan orang betul? Kerja kerja dan kerja, bila masa itu tak kerja? Namun, kalau kerja itu bermanfaat untuk diri atau orang lain , biar kerja pun tak apa. Biar kerja berpahala, kerja juga. Jadi bila tak kerja ? memang kena kerja, kerja dan kerja. Orang biasa kerja untuk cari rezeki . orang kaya kerja untuk jadi lebih kaya, orang berilmu kerja untuk mengembangkan ilmu kepada diri dan orang lain. Orang miskin lagilah kena kerja kuat-kuat utuk mengubah status sosial diri dan keluarga, maka bila tak perlu kerja? yeh?

Kerja dan belajar

Fren, Kerja harus berkomitmen kepada pihak ke dua atau pihak ke tiga yang mentah-mentah nama mereka ialah iaitu immediate bos or .... Pelajar pulak cuma bertanggungjawab khususnya pada diri sendiri atau ... yang immediate ialah pada diri kan baharulah pihak ...? Bezanya sikap bos yang disebut-sebut itu adalah penting supaya keujudan suasana kerja yang positif serta "peaceful life" dalam masa perjuangan kerjaya atau kerja semasa dan ini akan meningkat prodcutivities kan? sekiranya bos asyik main mood dan yang tak menentu, apa akan terjadi? Susah bekerja kan? dan tolong diingati kalu dikatakan sebagai bos maka wajiblah menanggung tanggungjawab yang lebih mencabar, lebih besar bukan? Habis, ingat senang nak jagi bos ke? Pelajar, bezanya sikap pulak sebagai pelajar haruslah belajar seberapa banyak dan mampu yang boleh ketika belajar kan? Ini kan peranan dan tanggungjawab wajib sebagai pelajar? Kalu nak senang-senang dapat segulung sijil baik jangan berdosa berselindung dalam...


Friendship means a lot to me and it does not mean friends must always together and must "Gossip" all the time but the friendship should be care with sincere and persistence with so call "keep in touch" by only just a call also good enough (once a while). Friendship need "time" to go with and need to be tested from one event to another but not "Klik" ourselves for only self beneficial, right? I still keep my friendship with primary school's mates; secondary school's friends, Maktab perguruan friends; former school's friends; University study time good friends and until now with my faculty's friends. See , I won't say that we all very very very close like "ants and sweets' but when we need help from each other, I don't think that is a problem to get help or talk to. Perhap, I even have a very special friendship with my former teachers; lecturers as well as former ketua Jabatan to be keep in touch and I appreciated...

Unfinished mission

Fren, Unfinished mission take time man, right? Unfinished things needed to finish them.. Time! Unfinished bussiness needed to round up.. Time! Unfinished ambition needed to work out.. Time so Time is the main factor and time managment for unfinished stuffs and unfinished yet to be solved ASAP?! Last but not least, once you have unfinished mission, you won't feel so free in mindset, in your heart and soul but yet life goes on ok?


fren, What would be the real situation for future? Crisis , crap or creation? Don't know! At this moment, I only feel that I could see a bit of "lighting" in my future or the end of my journey's long long tunnel and I was happy like no business man! That's life? Well, what a bout future generation of me? People adviced do not think too much bro? But in reality or our real life, it won't happen such as do not think about our junior future , right? What would happen then... Life.

Love and hurt

Frens, The person that you love the most would be the person that hurt you the most, agree? This is life, this is the reality of life,right? To me if you do not love that person than whatever he/she said won't give you any impacts see, right? Motive id the term used to be use so what is your motive toward some one or some things but make sure to get or to gain with compromind within two parties so that thing won't get out of control? Kacau bilau. Life goes on, no matter what happened to whom, what and where it was happenning, this is for sure tehre are some signals or sparks come out from that particular incident and this following with mainly depend on the individual to take it, to recieved it and to percieve it then make analyzing to be own good or experience through out the time.


Hello fren, What is life to you? I do not scare to face the hardship life but what I worry is about to face "no life". Hi hi hi. Let's talk about what is no life means here, it is like : all the time some one who do some things must depend on other party to approve or to agree to the certain extend (No independent life?). Moreover, things alway happened with some how was oppposite way or not the targeted way by that person, how? At the end of the day, there will be more challenging and more uncertainties that need to face and to solve by that person instead of getting better, how? yeh yeh yeh.

No tittle

Fren, I just wanted to say for the sake of saying because to me , I am facing the moment of waiting, waiting for one unhappened thing or no result , what a wonderful life am I facing? Wait for my supervisor's free time, waiting for my boss evaluation in applying allocation to go some where to present paper? Wait wait and wait. I wait, wait and wait for my golden time to pass and gain nothing , nothing feed back at all especially my thesis' chapter 4 and 5 with patiently as well as no progress at all.Time passed like no business , my eight years and the first semester started and I been warned by the university's graduate school like no business and I am actually losing out many things since there and then , what a wonderful life am I facing? So, wait until the cow climb up the hill? or gantung tak bertali ? or give up by myself and finish or end up my life mission? Is it so hard to further my career or study for the sake of family, working place and nation ? I just wante...

Quality Time

Quality Time ? Quality Time spent with children? Quality time with spause or Qualtiy time in office. To me the "quality" is not a big term or hard term but just on how and with who you spent your time and what is the content or discrete moment? Example: Time to read story book to children and questions and answer swith them and make them laugh or enjoy or learn somethings within the time together is the real quality time, right? In other word, how long time you spent on with children is actually not the critical factor but the flow and the environment at that time would be the main concerned. In office, quality time as the time spent like: settle a day's routine with correctly and up to the job's spect is good enough and quality time is there, right? Don't know? don't know and don't know...

Selingan 3

Friends, Pada tarikh 25-6-06 (Rabu) di mana secara kebetulan "Hari gaji" jadi saya masuk ke DSB UiTMM untuk pameran "Seminar pengurusan terbaik UiTMM" maka "terbeli" buku yang bertajuk " Falsafah MIM" dengan harga RM15.00 dan bawa balik fakulti. Keesokan hari, sebenarnya ingin membuat kerja OBE namun terlintas benak cuma ingin renung buku baru beli tu, mana tahu sekali buka tidak terhenti pula membaca maka dengan menggunakan masa selama 2 jam setengah terus menerus menghabiskannya baharulah rasa lega, seronok serta bersemangat kerana terdapat terasa kita mempunyai seorang pemimpin yang berkaliber serta berbesar hati sambil kerana : 1) Buku ini bermula bahagian I hingga Bahagian VI adalah penuh dengan "info" dan semangat hangatlah. 2) Bahasanya senang difahami serta berpantun, bergambar serta berfalsafah mulia. 3) Cuma seratus muka surat keseluruhan sahaja. Saya ingin syorkan bahawasanya buku ini: 1) Harus dibaca oleh segenap warga Uni...

LJ 4

Fellow friends, As far as study is concerned, I enjoy reading with understanding very much, but when the break is over the work loads and the commitments are " heavy and non ending" without one's knowing then the quality time of reading is gone with the wind,right? I enjoyed very much of my 2 years study leave with all sortd of articles right academic or non academic ones, related topic's books or self enrichment books, this two years make myself loving the world very much and I enjoying be alone too but... Hoverer, straggle in PhD study would be journey that full with non stop and no limited space because I needed to start draft out the proposal from very beginning which I need to over come or managed my thesis writing committees (3 giants with Associate Professorship) and variates differ from each of them, this is so call make me needed to come out with the sixth proposal only approved, how long I need to do these? yeh yeh yeh. Proposal only man! Each time I pres...

Life journey 3

Friends, Common saying, people won't see and won't want to know tha process but used to see and comments to the end results, right? So what is life means to you? What is life? What about life journey? Yeh yeh yeh. Basically there are 1) Family life, 2) Personal life, 3) Social life, 4) Caree life. Rhetorically there are 1) Simple life, 2) Plateus life, 3) Hard life or No Life... yeh see? So what is life means to you? Main elements that border most of us are 1) Money(Materiality) ? or 2) Believe (Spiritruality)? which and which would be the priorically first to one like you? Yeh. Let us think it seriuosly and make judgement or compromind within and between these elements together ok

Selingan 2

Yes friends, Intervarsity staff tournament was just over , my ping pong team (UiTMM) got runner up among 16 teams and others teammates or colleages would some congrated us but some would not because we are still not the best or not the champ, right? boleh lah or kenapa kalah pada...? Well, my point is actually this achievement (runner up) was not come without afford know? and also the moment of "Fighting spirit" for those few days that all my teammates did or shared so is there any one put in afford to think, to consider or to concern all these elements? Definitely,we still have room to improve and by virtual we need to work out since or immediate after this tournament ok? Now what I would like to capture your attention is how much afford put in or the process of getting self ready for a tournament? How hard work been done? Emotional disturbance after a game or the tournament? Self buiding and team buiding during and after the tournament, see? No, you won't see because ...

Selingan 1

Friends and team mates, First at all, I wish all my friends from UiTMM's contingent who landed airport last night and went home even most of them this morning as well have a nice rest but I was in my faculty to work as usual and special wishes to my team's mates: Rizal (Apek), Romli, Sudin, Nizam, Hapis, Din, Lebai, Uncle Ong and Uncle Tan (me lah ha ha ha). My ping pong team was the earlier team that got the result of runner up in this 2008 Kejohanan Sukan Staf antara Universiti-universiti Malaysia in Kuching Sarawak from 13-6-08 to 23-6-08 (10 days), there were many sweet sour experiences with all team mates through out 10 days stayed in one roof, the apartment of Cempaka UNIMAS yeh. Well, beside we ended up our game early yet we supported other sports or games as penyokong setia as far as our university (UiTMM) was concerned, we met old friends from other contingents, we chit chat and exchanged info for the particular game as well as own life journey over night, it was ...

Life Journey

Hello friends, Let me share my experience on how I feel and those who has same situation with me may feel it as well, ok. I started my PhD journey by part time-full time since 2001 with course work and I even work out extra credits collected but this means nothing and no difference when I started my thesis because the piece of research is same weightage with those who do full thesis' candidate ok. I started face the problem in depth trouble when I enrolled myself as full time because UiTMM gave me way of two years study leaeve fro Dec 2004 to Dec 2006 and this two "Darkest days" for me because I had gone thru experiences like a) draft 5 times of thesis proposal (pages around 250 because chapter 1,2 and 3 but was rejected and ask to do admendment as well) only the sixth time was approved. b) Day and night reading and searching literature- 1200 articles came across and make summary each. c) 63 books and summary for each d) News paper reading regarding to the topic and summa...

Tan's PhD Journey

Hello Fren, Let me start this time as saying that my tertiary eduaction process is like a life journey which with lifelong learning concept based or extension education because for me I take up such a long long way of sailing from liked May, 2001 until today still struggering in this journey. Well, Why? What ? Where and How can this happened? Let see... I would like to get your attention with this scenerio in story telling's form and what ever your feed back would means a lot to me (if you give opinion) and this is just wanted to share my experience with whoever response ok? Don't worry be happy. First at all, instead of thinking to further study in order to achieve higher paper qualification and then contribute back to nation but what had happend was this sailor being penalize just because he could not meet the time target set, so how sad is this and how hurt is this especially emotionally and psychologically. What penalize and what time target is this ? Well...

Subject matter's quality of a coach

Is me ChTan and I would like to talk about qualities of coach again. The basic of an quality coach or teacher's outline and equated as being the same for the 12Q because I am a teacher since January, 1989 and I was a teacher in primary school, in secondary and then serve in University now, yeh yeh yeh, how many years eh? Well... The timeless qualities in subject matter as a coach are : 1. Knowledge of the subject and intense interest and enthusiam about it. You know your staff, this is what we used to hear and think seriously, that is what is means ok!. 2. Willingness to share one's knowledge with anyone who is interested. What had happened here was when some one learn from one "Si fu" , later the some one is the person who would like to "kill" own "si fu " when conflict of interest there, right? This might be very negative connotation but happened ok. 3. Communication skills. While, this is common sense come in. Common sense gain from experiences ...

Qualities coaches' that aspect?

Well, eventually there are another 4Qs that needed to be consider the one's as an quality coach: 9. An ability to achieve educational objectives through the patient use of direct and indirect methods. 10. An excellent example in word, deed, and appearance. 11. An appreciation of artistic viewppoint as related to athletes. 12. A belife in and practice of human dignity as a basic quality of man? Man in the Q12 is actually refer to human being ok and there is no gender biases in this case. Hence, this example that make me recall and counter back on the question of : no matter how good is one policy or statement made by some one or whoever is, it is very crucial in depending on the person who read and how the person interpretation on the statement, right? As the result, if the statement been "purposive" misinterpreted then the coming up troubles or problems are even greater or serious but are these being bother by the interpretator ? No, I don't thing so. This situation...

Quality Coaches

Qualities coaches that aspected or should own like: 5. Good judgement in the appropriate use of motivation techniques- having skills of encouragement, inspiration, and confidence. 6. A humanistic and ethical which emphasizes fairness, friendliness, and firmness. 7. An ability to innovate and to project within a sport setting and to envision any consequences to the total coaching environment. 8. Emotional stability and self-control in highly sensitive and involved situations associated with sports. Well, as far as involving athletes or player, Q6 needed to be seriously considere and pratice with ethically as a coach. My coaching experiences or coaching life before was I was with one group of year 3 students/players and followed my coaching plans and trained until they all reached sweet 18 girls. Results gained as : produced - 1 national level and 4 state level players in particular game and that' s why the Q6 played the "chemical reaction".

What are coaches like?

There seems to be a contemporary "myth" thats says coaches are very conservative, traditional, and rigid in their dealing with athletes, colleagues, and the community?! or Coaches are inflexible as believed of one is actually out dated but with common sense says that coaches are willing to shift strategies or technique as is like any scientist ? and adjustable to new style in behavior, this is what I am more concern with: Willingness in mind shift paradigm? or stayed in comfort zone with what eventually is? "athletic revolution" of late 60s and early 70s - did you hear about it before? yeh ? Qualities of a good coach? regarding to "The Coaches Manual" an old but accurate and reliable publication, recommends and following as desirable qualities of a coach. Let's see, read and appreciating them... Qualities: 1. Reasonable flexibility and receptivity to attitudinal changes in society, this is actually not easy to be fulfill by one' s individual or ...


"Coach" ia a title indicating respect, affection, status,and responsibility that can satay with one after actual caching days are over(Jones, B.J.; Wells, L.J; Teters, R.E & Johnson, D.J.1993) Once a coach, always "coach" to team members, colleagues, and the community. as far as atheletes are concerned, they will remember how their coaches did it and will form their own style of working by modelling after, or reacting to them and my question here, would be how true or how far this scenerio or believe and uphold over our side? What we always over heard here are "No lah, players alway forgot about us when they achieved succesful or glamourous award yeh? so, what is this means? More over, recently, as far as coaching is concerned, our National Sports Council (MSN) was started sports' coaches licencing, right? Which this is considered very good, positive and progressive move to impose the overall picture or status on who is the "Coach" and "...

Hello friends

Hello friends, I am new in blogging and hope to joint you all for coming time. yeh yeh yeh