
Showing posts from October, 2013

Be responsible for own decision

Fren, When you are a personnel that been authorized to put signature on and it is in approving process then some decisions make wondered then to me you are the one that needed to fully responsible on whatever you sign it, right? If not .... things may get upside down and start to pint point others...Well... Well, fren .. sign or signature of you  actually make sense and sign also mean responsibilities and it meant a lot either to one person concerned or it will effect the whole organization reputation or  perhaps the partner in your business per se. So, make sure you read and think rationally before you sign and proceed it to the next stage and please be more responsible in decision making and the sign you make then fren.

Serampang Dua Mata

Fren, Mahu buat, gila nakkannya tapi... (tak dapatnya walaupun telah cuba mohon) maka cari jalan dengan pendekatan "Serampang Dua Mata" kata orang kan? Di mana akan I cuba yeah?! Paham tak paham pun sudah le, tak apa? Gua paham cukup le- karang ni tinggal usaha untuk menjadikan nya suatu kenyataan saja. Kata pepatah lagi - "Kalau nak seribu daya, kalau tak nak sejuta dalih" - apa ni... nak apa tu? KAJIAN le yeah- yeah yeah.

Look forward, my friend.

Fren, In our situation over here, there is not point to look backward and recall them, we needed to look forward to across whatsoever hurdles in front and move... according to our own pace, own capability and abilities because passed is past ok? Every day is a new day and is the only day for me, so work and do whatsoever to be smoothly and happy even be healthy day per se so why look behind and start to "mingling" around, what for and it is no point at all. Well, look forward and move forward, that's it. Friend.

Tenang tapi bermakna

Hi, Hidup bertenang namun amat bermakna hidupnya, kan bagus macam ini? Ye inilah yang diminta serta yang diharap- harapkan oleh gua. Bila hidup ini bertenang, adanya waktu dan masa untuk berpikir masak- masak serta merancang akan apa rancangan untuk masa depan bersama- sama ye. Sewaktu berjuang dalam pengajian PhD yang dah lepas 3 tahun dulu, sepi- sepinya masih amat ketara terasa walaupun tanpa diketahui atau tanpa ...yeah