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When some one is in critical situations and time then that is the time that every "inappropriate" things happened to the one, is it so call " Nasib" ? Well, ... No. gua tak percaya but admitted it man.
E mail could not work or send massages to colleagues; my printer could not work in this critical time; my phone keep on asking me to check with info center and may suddenly shut off it self; my slipper and shoe also spoilt; my car keep on asking me to service him; my house phone pay for nothing because no internal line; my house is in trouble like dustbin or gabbage center or what?; my file as bushes and my file won't be able to clear as usual after all; my life is like I have house but not home and lastly my career also question mark?
September of 2008, ... should not be this way if I know how to categorize and work out to solve problems.