SS as an Extension Agen? (2)

What did SS graduates actually learn in their academic for each cohort or according to their syllabus? Are they versatile after obtaining the SS degree ? Are they employable? What about their employability in the community and how could they contribute to the nation as a whole?

SS concise and consist even group of Sport management in the whole batch and they are attending to obtain by theory as well as practice in every discipline that listed out here:

Human anatomy; Physiology; Human biomechanic; Kinesiology; Sport psychology; Sport sociology; Introduction to Sport Science; Coaching - team and individual event; Theory & Training methodology; Sport injury; Strength conditioning; Physical fitness; Aerobic dance and exercise; Environmental health and the quality of life; Human nutrition; Nutrition in sports; Sport performance analysis; Sport management; Outdoor activities and Profesisonal activities (consisted of varies games); Entrepreneurship; Sport economic; Calculus; Sport accounting; Computer application; Sport facilities management;Human resource management; Sport for disable and industry internship too.

When they undergone the programme for at least 6 semester and with the credit hours between 90 to 120 credit hours would make them a very competent employee or as self employed and this will be the main objective of producing this type of graduate in the nation.

Next question is how could they become and extension agent to make change and change for betterment?


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