Why so lay down... Why Why and tell me why ?
Why so la down hard working spirit as far as present government policies that implemented since after "Merdeka" by our so called past leadership and make certain kind of people became lay down all the time because they would gained money without needed to work hard enough so "conform zone" was built and it was so attachment to everyone of them and this end up slogan-- do not need to work so hard as long as we are majority and make sure majority are voting to this kind of leadership and then they all will fine forever"
What type of ideology and what type of policies have in one country like or to be since 63 years ago? Moral of story is let's be majority and keep on holding majority's "Right" and could not be bordered others.
RUKUN Negara - Kepercayaan kepada Tuhan, Kesetiaan kepada Raja dan Negara , Keluhuran Perlembagaan, Kedaulatan Undang - undang , Kesopanan dan Kesusilaan. You see how beautiful is our Rukun Negara but when so call the expert interpret it totally according their own agenda and selectively which end out 1. Be an Islamic Country instead of secular country with multi races and etnic . 2. Implementing Hudud Law. 3. Study Jawi 4. Abundant all mother tongue language school. 5. minority follow majority even the majority is not correct decisions - follow blindly.... Where is the meaning of Rukun Negara.
In ideally, we should respect each other right from own religion and own practices but/ and try to get middle part, loyal to King with proper directive given and need to serious think about consequences by then, Legislative and executive power of cabinet need to saperate clearly and should not overlapping without clear border and at the end, all rakyat definately will live happily and peaceful among all Malaysian without "speculate each other" in one roof. Thus, back to the exact means of RUKUN NEGARA. Hidup Malaysia o face globalization process or IR 4.0 and facing new trend and do not fear even COVID 19 because we are act like ONE and not like present situation.TQ