
Showing posts from February, 2021

Pokoknya "Duit" ke "? "Harta" ke? atau...?

Politik negara ... penglibatan dalam arena politik serantau atau seseorang itu khasnya demi menuju ke arah "mencari kekayaan diri" ke ? atau mencari "Kuasa" mengarah ke? Pada saya, pokoknya "Duit" agarnya memainkan peranan yang paling tunggak sebab dalam hidup nyata tidak tertinggal akan keadaan pakai Duit setiap hari maka kalau tanpa "Duit" yang banyak maka tidak dapat menikmati Dunia nyata  ini he he he .  Mata Duitan - ada kan? apa- apa yang hendak diperbincangkan mesti beserta berapa harganya? Duit duit duit tapi negara macam utamakan sangat pengajarn agama ye? mana keinsafan? mana takutnya kepada Tuhan? mana ajaran keagamaan ye?  Pada saya moral - sivik adalah lebih praktikal serta harus dinyatakan secara lebih utamakan pengukuran - measurable atau eksplisit kenyataan. Contoh: seorang pegawai perkhidmatan staus kerajaan harus hanya mampu memiliki rumah yang sesuai saiz dengan pendapatan tahunannya (ikut kategoriny), kereta bersesuaian cukai ...

Lompat Si Katak Lompat

Lompat Si Katak Lompat - Lompatlah tinggi tinggi , cepatlah adik cepat- cepatlah bangun pagi pagi. Kalau......adik ma las bangun pagi   nanti jadi rugi.... Ini adalah merupakan lirik salah satu lagu  kanak- kanak yang memang popular serta pernah saya ajar murid- murid sekolah rendah semasa saya menjadi guru sekolah rendah suatu ketika dahulu. Lagu ini sekarang boleh dan memang sesuai menjadi senario politik tempatan yang lompat melompat parti macam katak. Pada saya, ini amatlah "menarik" wayang sandiwara politik dari dulu lagi serta tak kisah bangsa mana pun, parti mana pun, pihak mana pun... sama sahaja baik di Malaysia mahupun di arena global...?????? Walaupun negara dilanda Pendamik "Kejam" serta dalam keadaan yang tenat serta penat khususnya individu tak kisah bangsa mana pun namun pada pendapat saya ... Ini semua tidak mejadi dan tidak pernah menjadi  "pengajaran"  para arena politik yang "mulia" negara Malaysia.... Malu, sedih serta tidak b...

Physical Activity During MCO, CMCO and RMCO

Well... as far as COVID 19 is concerned, whole world is under modes of MCO, CMCO and RMCO especially my country Malaysia and I personally as part of it so the effect of COVID would definitely influence one's live in it like me ok. As the result, in order to keep self- sufficient in daily activities (WFH) or keep self healthy and fit to "build anti- body" in fighting viruses so since 13/8/2020, I was making myself with the habits of habitually physical activity at home with one mechanism named as Elliptical. Elliptical is mechanical that mainly to build Cardiac muscle strength as well as muscle endurance and it is making a person becomes strong in blood circulating to the person's whole body (Upper and lower extremities) and it had to be academical research to proven and that is why making myself to running one study  or research which called it as "Cyclic"  and since MCO of nationwide last year. Resulted of Cyclic with brief talk here where, there were prove...

Dare to try - IT

New Year - new challenges which is Dare to try out IT gadgets or software in daily activities? I can make it.... I can do it. I believe it can be my mission for 2021. Baby Bloom who stuck in between Modernization and Authentically in running or solving whichever problems or troubles in daily activities. IR 4.0 which is the trend and newest version of worldwide flow of though and especially my nation would be the one followed strictly but half heartedly... hi hi hi. There is no persistency in whatsoever trend so what to do ? Who am I so I have to follow the trend and it is what I said: I must dare to try whatsoever IT gadgets and make myself more and more competence for coming days. What to scare ? What to worries ? tend to make mistakes... so what ? try it again and learn from mistakes from time to time until so call I could "master" them when time come. Without much confidence on IT and worry lost all data is the main problem in my mind when I use IT in daily works and daily...

Stay Safe and Stay Healthy

Stay Safe and Stay Healthy is really true and really important to every single person in order to go on daily life and live with own family members and these are not only slogan but need to practice it. Kita jaga Kita ... well take care of self as one single unit in the big picture of one country and at the end the whole worldwide Safe to stay and travelling. Total lockdown is somehow more effective in order to cut down or flatten the curve but / and it will turn down the economic flow of one nation and make the nation die off is not cause by Virus Covid but is cause by hunger.  Middle part is the actual practice and more relevance flow of thoughts but they need one efficiency and effective leaders with 3rd alternative thinking or mind set and sad to say... there is no such leader man! Power crazy with narrow mind set leaders are all around and they are very aggressive to gain their  politic mileage for themselves instead of the country sake  and keep on denial to what th...

Why so lay down... Why Why and tell me why ?

Why so la down hard working spirit as far as present government policies that implemented since after "Merdeka" by our so called past leadership and make certain kind of people became lay down all the time because they would gained money without needed to work hard enough so "conform zone" was built and it was so attachment to everyone of them and this end up slogan-- do not need to work so hard as long as we are majority and make sure majority are voting to this kind of leadership and then they all will fine forever" What type of ideology and what type of policies have in one country like or to be since 63 years ago? Moral of story is let's be majority and keep on holding majority's "Right" and could not be bordered others. RUKUN Negara - Kepercayaan kepada Tuhan, Kesetiaan kepada Raja dan Negara , Keluhuran Perlembagaan, Kedaulatan Undang - undang , Kesopanan dan Kesusilaan. You see how beautiful is our Rukun Negara but when so call the expe...

Hope but No Light

Hope but No Light --- Is it negative connotation ? Is it sound like very bad situation? the answer is YES. It is too bad to say it is happening here and there without any serious control and the end of the day saying that there are small group of politicians played the tickets to gain cheap supports from people.... Actually the person said it was the "Kepala Otak" of the small politicians perhaps. See... now a day the whole country or the whole nationwide even become liked "Telling lie openly without shame of it" It is from the head or leaders until the followers whom just followed without seriously concerned and considered - "next life" if keep on telling lies ok!! Nation or more specifically among people in this country became very "speculative" and always think about- what will be our own country fortune or future direction and for sure damaged been done and one sided administration so no other races be government servants accepted one kind.  ...

"Nue" Year

 Today -12/2/2021 (Friday) is the first day of Chinese New Year which is Ox or "Nue" nian in Mandarin ok.  According to the animal characteristics - t is a year where we need to work hard enough to gain whatever we wanted to. Nue - is strong and hard working.  Its never ever give up easily when any missions given especially at the field when farmers are planting "paddy" or any plants. Nue also strong to face any hot or cold weather throughout a day, months or years so as man on this earth, we should admire and learnt the working spirit from the characteristics of an Ox, this will make our nation become full with positive hope. Malaysian through hard working and seriousness like Ox to be one high expectation nation even in the international point of view. Neu is loyal to the owner and never fight up unnecessarily unless final stage of its life. Gua caya Lu. 

Orang Bongkak

 Orang bongkak = orang sombong bodoh. Orang yang hanya boleh kritik orang lain - ini macam tak betul, itu macam tak baik. ini tak patriotik, itu tak setia kepada DYMM, ini lah itu lah ... orang lain cakap atau buat semuanya tak betul.. Dia sahaja yang betul segala gala ...apa macam punya orang -- orang Bongkak le namanya. Kerajaan sekarang sama Bongkak. Orang lain sebut mana sebenar kelemahan sahaja ... sudah melenting, sudah macam nak mampus... Macam mana sesebuah negara nak maju ke depan? Hanya pandai kutuk dan pandai menekan orang sendiri sahaja dan bukannya bersatu padu dan menghadapi masalah datang dari luar atau bertanding dengan orang  luar. Apa yang berlaku hanya kutuk mengutuk, tekan menekan orang sendiri sahaja sehingga perasaan patriotik makin lama makin pudar dan mungkin hilang terus. Siapalah saya... orang biasa dan kerdil... tak terdapat nak cakap atau memperbetulkan apa pun walaupun dalam organisasi kecil di mana saya berkhidmat pun... jadi lupakan sahaja ... us...