Gain and Lose


I gained my PhD but I lose "one" important part of my life and maintain 2 with me. Reason is one only- lacking communication or no communication skills and also left too long time - dendam, dengki dan ... tiada peluang untuk patah balik. Again, I would like to ask what is life? man.
Tuhan saja yang tahu apa yang telah saya lakukan dan lalui sepanjang masa atau hayat sehingga saat ini ok dan Ianya yang .... entah lah! I still work very hard for another so call life proposal and all over I need to be patient - Sabar and work hard but the other part to me, never ever feel "lembut" lagi because too late for me to propose and let see, let wait and let workout-- what would be the ending -- let stay as now without losing the 2, my God.


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