Trust ?

What is Trust?
It was defined as firm belief in the honesty, good news,worth, justice,power, etc. of someone or something (longman Dic, 1978). Well, since when you trust me? yeh yeh yeh and based on what you trust someone 0r something? Criteriatical or instinct or what, please?
I was building my trust with my students (any one and no gender bias) through their attendance rate for my course and based on behavioural science concerned that when someone showed interest by never and ever missed you thought or class would be the one could be trusted and that's how the trust build, ok.
We are facing deep trouble if we did not have any empirically collective measure on someone either trust someone or not trust at all yet there was or were decisions make enforcement, this will make the world upside down or riot when time come, and we can see what is happening around us or globally as well. Sudah lah merepek and merungut sahaja, tak pe biar saya sahaja.


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