Wonderful U

I am a part of the U but not the stake holder of it! This is why I think I could assessed and evaluated to what I see and what I feel on clearer side and thise won't mean that I did not like it, no, I love it very much because I am part of it ok? and I enjoy so much to what I do or learn here ok?
What a wonderful U because every thing provided to the high end and it was from the infrastructures , soft wares and hard wares as well as far as education is concerned nationwide so what else, the U students want, man? Practically every thing on the earth and/ or a man should learn or earn from but yet I feel that the unstatisfied feelings are still around our frens and keep on asking or requiring/requesting some more from a public organization which is the name Malaysian government and which it should taken care of the whole nation people who voted for them!! As the end of the day, story won't end and the human won't progress because too wonderful life ok.


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