Education and educator
As far as education is concerned, there is no way, such as racist because knowledges that through the educator should deliver means needed to do so other wise I think you better "quit" or stop become knowldege terrorist or ...?
Educator is one like or is a Khalifa who suppose to deliver the right thing and ways and make people to be autonomous self right doing things without forcing especially when human right as well as the educator ethic is concerned.
I was teaching for past 21 years already and until today too and in my heart or in my mind I am still very "fresh" or energitic to deliver my knowldege to the next generation who are Multiraces until mono race as well, so as far as education that I love so much, I am so happy and self satisfy on my on going process in lecturing and research into certain field if i got chances especially for education or in my case is sports sciences and sports management, the body of knowldege.l.