
Showing posts from August, 2008

Give up

Fren, Give up, give up and give up. This is the emotional phase that I myself need to do and think about it. Give up of too high hope, give up of idealisme, give up hope that is out of our own manageable but just work out only. Work according to own interest and never regret after the time being and the career that I love the most and this will be much better life philosophy to one right? Lupakan apa yang saya bebel sj.

Dahaga Apa?

Pagi-pagi pada pukul 8.15 hari ini (28-8-08) saya menerima satu panggilan yang agak memeranjatkan tapi agak menghampakan diri saya. Dahaga apa?Yeh Yeh Yeh. Salah seorang pensyarah di U pengajian saya telah menalipon saya dan dalam pertuturan kami, dia tersebut nama salah seorang Supervisors dalam komiti tesis saya maka saya ingat Dr itu nak berjumpa dan memberi feed back pada saya kerana saya telah SMS Dr tersebut tempoh hari namun jawapannya ialah pensyarah ini cuma salah tekan nombor Tan iaitu yang sebaenarnya dia nak cakap dengan Tan satu lagi dan bukan gua, yeh yeh maka hampalah harapan saya untuk berganjak dalam tesis saya, selamat hari merdeka yeh. Ha ha ha Walaubagaimanapun, saya tetap bersembang dengan pensyarah tersebut kerana memang saya kenal dia pun iaitu cuma berkisar akan progres tesis saya ini. Terima kasih atas keprihatinan dia terhadap progress saya dan ini mengakhiri panggilan itu. Jadi tahukan saya Dahaga Apa ya? Tak tahu pun tak apa he he he

Core business

Core business? What is this? Let's say an example : a police, his or hers core business is to maintain the pieceful and criminal with zero defect if posible right? A housewife- core business is to take well care about husband, children and as well as their main family... So a lecturer core business is to make sure that performance of their students are well take care with plenty of methods in the process of teaching- learning and this need commitment, afford , sincerity and time of the lecturer, right? My point of view is, there is limited chance or time for a lecturer to sit down and prepare their teaching-learning process or plan in term of the lecturer that need fulfillment of other duties like meetings, yeh yeh yeh. Ooph wrong number!

Busy, without busy

Fren, Are you busy? normally the answer would be Yes, why? Is this the common answer that you would hear from any one that you post the question? I think this is the way of protecting self to committ to any unnecessarily out coming assignment to the one, is this right way? Busy but without really proven busy would kill some one's initiative to work extra then suppostly so, this is a good way of one in rejecting assignment for one's to learn and to gain later. As the result people will answer the common answer that acceptable for practically every one of us. Life is full of challenges and full of commitments to let people to solve or to go with and there is nothing wrong that some one to answer with what is going on? Is there any things that I could help? ... yeh yeh yeh I don't think so ha ha ha

Hati Tak Senang, Otak bercelaru

Fren, Bila hati tak senang, otak bercelaru yeh. Apa yang berlaku seterusnya adalah seolah-olah hanya menjalankan tugas sahaja tanpa "Oom" atau tanpa hati perut untuk melakukan sesuatu tugasan. Hati saya tak senang disebabkan oleh pihak ke tiga dan oleh diri saya sendiri tak erti untuk mengawal perasaan yeh. Saya pikir terlalu jauh dan terlalu mendalam, apa yang perlu saya pikir sekarang cuma wait and see and look for solution yang mungkin boleh saya lakukan lebih praktik daripada asyik pikir apa yang akan berlaku. "Akan" itu mungkin sahaja namun mungkin jua akan berlaku sesuatu yang elok nanti , mana tau? Kan. Saya berkeadaan dalam suatu situasi yang agak "sukar" untuk menyuara atau memberi pandangan sebab dunia ini penuh dengan syak wasangka dan tak ada orang yang percaya akan satu sama lain kerana realiti "duniawi". Jadi ... apa yang akan berlaku, man? No real sense between human being?

Take a break

Fren, Take a break! take a break? Wao, what's that? It does not mean to do nothing but it is just to get some rest with a short time and then ready for further life's journey in reality life ok! true ? Well, take a break also mean that give some space to take breath so that a person won't fainted there and then man ok! Well, people said : "take a break" mean stop here and do not elaborate further , right? I wish I could take a break and I wish you also could take a break so that all of us will be happy and energitic later part in our life's journey. ok?


Hoi, apa itu? Belayar? maksud di situ diumpamakan suatu organisasi ini sebagai sebuah "Boat" jika melabuh lama-lama tapi tak bergerak disebabkan "captain" tak erti sangat menjanakan tenaga untuk belayar ke luar dari pelabuhan dan menjanakan hala tuju adalah amat merugikan, betul? Sekarang, nampak gayanya telah mula bergerak dan nak mula belayar iaitu syukur dan tahniah diucapkan namun apa yang terlintas di benak gua ialah berapa lamakah akan bergerak dan belayar? Atau bergerak tanpa belayar atau adakah ini berterusan dengan semata- mata bergantung pada captain sahaja dan bukan semua anggota kapar layar bersama ke? yeh yeh yeh. Sudah lah merepek sahaja, entah apa pa yang diceritakan , lepas geram ke ? yeh yeh yeh.

Aiming but stringent

Aiming and wishing would not be happening in real without stringent application process to follow yeh yeh yeh. As far as wishing without go thru stringent work out, nothing would happen right? What I concerned more was another one hurdle which thru my own experience : I had tried and faced many many time since I am in the line of my career passed 22 years which even I tried no matter how hard and I fulfilled whattsoever form to fill in yet no good news been recieved or it so happened as people used to say :Tak ada rezeki ke? I miseed many big and small boats since I joined my career part from one SPM holder until master degree holder as what I am now. Example: setiausaha sukan? guru pakar? even no way to get anjakan at all. Meaning that I am a "Kayu" and I never work properly or not working at all, so what's a waste of human capital in the organization, man yeh yeh yeh

Understanding and tolerant - bahang merdeka 51

Fren, Understanding = the act of understanding ; power to judge (Longman Dictionary of contemporary English,1978) this word easy to talk, to say and to yell but did not easy to act or never been appreciated or not easy to practice it, man? Tolerant = showing or practising toleration (Longman Dictionary of contemporary English, 1978) even harder to be understood and don't talk about how to practice this act see? Independent of Malaysia is going to 51 years in front door step but what is understanding and what is tolerant still need to be seious matter to think, to reaction with rationally without self centered or greed through out decision making especially policy maker in this case or even individually case.

Work with sincere

Self-employabilty is how well you prepared yourself andf how well you presented yourself to the employer or superior(Deiiloittee & Tounche, 2001). There are many values and various factors affecting or influencing one's self-employability and in this section, I would like to share about is on "work with sincere". Sincere means that you work as the position or post that you been assigned and you should know well about your job description or authority in term of work officially and with that you work accordingly and put in the social responsibility as one of them is sincerity to complete once task given to you with the quality concerned and some how, some time you need to corpoarate with others and this mean the net working involved. Work with sincere would be the main task for every single person in whatsoever field or position other wise things or "end result" might or most properly will collaped just because of work without sincerity and just because of...

Goodbye Guangzhau

What's that ? What happened? It was happening, bye gone is by gone Guangzhau yeh yeh yeh. Well, some how some one had applied to present one paper over there with the hope of 1) To buid up confident with local research as in line with over sea counterpart or not and 2) To promote the good name of local to over sea over there but failed or in soft ball game said "Out" -- Reasons 1. It is not own work but actually that piece of research had been through closely supervised and work together as well as permission gained from the partner. 2. Not up to "par" well, that is why we are trying to present there so that we could get the feed back. 3. There will be many other international conferences to come and not this time because economy facing inflation man. Well, it is over and is over so I hope that some one that who had applied that chance needed to send to further study in research for that field mainly because the work was not up to "par" so how man? h...

Time self-management

Fren, Time management is actually a very "fun" thing, once you yourself feel that you can't make it then it won't happened any things at all because you are not willing to manage it well (closed your intention to try at all) but if... You think that you can and you wanted to then within few minutes also it could happened some things which would make you happy and self satisfy at the moment or even through out whole day's mood, believe it or not? Just try out yourself and feed back to me yeh yeh yeh. An example : time from 2.45pm to 4.35pm, there were 8 items or things being settled which involved different places and needed to fill in forms and also needed to travel around town area. Well example only.

Where to go?

In order to coach some one from unknown to known in knowledge either cognitive or psikomotor need so much afford and high;y sincerity through out the whole process with progressive steps in training or learning. So Where to go? As far as learning is concerned, the process is the main "Content" or in other word , how you take the learning process in your mind and how you tackle them with open mind and open heart to whatsoever challenges as the end result of your learning "journey" Where to go? Where to ahead? Where supposed to go? and how to go ? How to achieve the goal/s? Yeh yeh yeh

Unfinished mission 3

Fren, Ai ya ya ya, even booked the appointment still could cancelled because of emergency leave by the third party man? What is going to happende to me after this? I don't know and I do not want to predict but hopefully good ones ok yeh yeh yeh. The moment of cancellation seem to be repeated like before so what a wonderful if my party or buddy could edit for me and this is the menyampah that I face now. Well life goes on so tan tan tan and sabar sabar and sabar ya?

Unfinished mission 2

Hello, Unfinished means hangging up side down and this will drag others become unfinishing yeah! work hard and harder som more but the result is still depend on others party, what a wonderful wait and unfinishing deal??? From this incident, I realize that myself especially is too weak and many unfinished missions from last time till this time. What is going to happen to myself man? Foundation, fundamental or basement must be strong, brilliant and perfect than some one would be much easy later partr either wise the one's mind would be tarnished by uncertainty here and there, who get what am I taliking or mean about? ha ha ha Send for editing would take time and money and then ... what woulfd happen yeh yeh yeh that's but I do fell sligthly better and yet long way to go in this journey, who could really understand what I mean man?