Pak Turut - Followers

 Dear fren,

Once you are the head or administrator of an organization then whatever you voice out could be and must be an order liked so the so call all subordinates here will followed blindly without using own brain to think of how rational are directives? This is Malaysian as general - very obedient and "Good followers" ye... What the ...?

The superior "fart" also will be smell good to all subordinates  as far as Malaysia is concerned and this is making people like robotic without brain so throw a way all their  brain and silently with loudly answer : YES SIR... Yes Sir ...Yes Sir nation... What a pitiful human being in our nation?

In fact, as an educator, researchers and lecturers whom supposedly educated with higher institutions and they must be able to think and analyzed whatever their superior directed and with all mean, self confident to feedback as far as non rational happening... but it is very sad to see the actual reality are all of them just Pak Turut only.

Worst still that those who voiced out the "mistake" or the non- rational points of their superior would be "black listed" by their superior and there will be no way for them  to be recognized or losing their promotion chances. At the end... yang bodoh manjadi semakin bodoh dan tolol. Yang bodoh nak ajar yang lebih bodoh menjadi teramat bodoh. Ikut sahaja le.... ha ha ha ...


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