
Showing posts from October, 2018


Frens, What a surprise but syukur syukur man ? What a surprise that my organization suddenly called upon me to discuss about the progression of the one academic journal that I in-charged since 2011? What a surprise that my "immediate boss" and his team members do agreed upon to establish it into new Website which owned by our organization? I feel appreciated and I feel happy because it could establish one's organization with high accessibility and visibility by own Website per se. Well done man. My sole intention for doing it with my passion on specifically on- line publication of MJSSR was and is for the organization's own good in order to upgrade my organization well known in the whole system as well as whole nation and worldwide (If possible) ok. Bravo. Thank you. 

Boss lama dan Boss baharu - sama tapi tak serupa

Fren, Sama tapi tak serupa- boss tetap boss itu sama namun tak serupa dari segi gaya kepemimpinan; gaya bercakap; gaya orangnya; gaya menjalani tugas serta memang insan yang lain. Wait and see and must remember fren, you must always give people chance to perform or get to know the person individually or personally because you pass any comments ok fren, this is mainly advice to myself as a person or subordinate to the boss. Well but the boss sttill a boss. Last but not least, no matter who is the boss or will be the boss, working ethics and work is still work- kerja hakiki tetap hakiki ok.

Half hearted

Fren, Half hearted, you know what's this mean? People that work only to fulfill basic condition or penuh syarat saja tanpa mencuba atau berperasaan bersungguh- sungguh dalam menjalani aktviti tersebut. Kata pepatah mati pun tidak ... hidup pun bukan... maka sekerat dan penuh syarat... Kalau hidup sebegitu keadaan maka tak bermakna untuk hidup.... baik berubah sekarang ok?

Kerja Tak Habis

Fren, Kerja Tak Habis just because of commitments concerned. Never ending as far as life is going on so kerja pun tak habis- habis. Bila dikatakan habis.... bila bila tak habis dan cuma boleh anggap settle one thing at one time dah boleh lah ok? Kerja mana boleh habis... orang boleh habis iaitu mampus ,,, tong tong chiang yeah 

Update; rearrange; remark and resetting

Frens, Time make the things happen, afford and seriousness to update , to rearrange than remark it to see how will be the end outcomes .. if ok then proceed and keep it up  but if fail ... if does not mean the end of the world but resetting and reorganize all over to move forward ok fren. Update self  is very important element as far as competency is concerned. Rearrange the matter to make it more systematic. Remark and resetting could be done after done the elementary considerations. Again... time could proven either someone in on the right track and not facing failure all the time.

Open House

Fren, I really say thanks to friends that having open house and invited me and I really feel that's good to have open house especially during festival time because it could help people to know people better and gathering that would bring somethings good to some one. However, I dare not to have open house because lacking 1) man power, 2) tidiness of home, 3) friendly environment, 4) financial support and I do feel bad and sad not just could not having open house but eventually I could not have a complete home to myself and my children as well. Well, what a pitiful man in this life journey just because of my own self silliness and own make bundle of mistake in the process of getting partner and as people used to say " once a silly mistake could cause whole life suffer" and to me, its always happening things that I worried the most and see what a wonderful life man? yeh yeh yeh. Any way, I won't give up easily to survive in this journey. Fren 


Fren, Tahniah kepada mereka yang naik pangkat ke Pensyarah kanan namun sama tapi tak serup sebab ada yang naik pangkat dengan sekelip mata namun ada yang bermati matian baharu dapat naik pangkat. Kata pepatah lain orang lain rezekinya.... betul ke? Rezeki hendak diamibilkira usaha yang telah dibuat atau telah sekian lamanya. Walaubagaimanapun, ada faktor manusia itulah yang akan berlaku ketidakadilan atau pilih kasih ok ... kena menerima kenyataan dan tidak lari diri daripada kenataan yang kejam macam ini. Ada lagi faktor- faktor ain yang dianggap penting oleh sekian komuniti yang teruk menjahanamkan   orang lain ok. Pikir kan ...

Hair cut

Fren, Hair cut would be the impression of some one ? Well.... I don't know. But hair cut number 3, is there any ideas of it? Pasal nak lepas geram jadi rambut telah menjadi mangsa oleh diri sendiri dengan guntingan yang cukup pendek buat kali ini. namun boleh dianggap sebagai semangat tahun 2009 ke? Yeh yeh yeh.

Hati dan Jiwa seorang guru / pendidik

Fren, Hati dan Jiwa sebagai seorang guru tak ubah- ubah dan tak berubah sejak tahun 1984 di mana niat ingin mendidik anak murid tetap kukuh dan kekal walaupun sipolan telah beranjak ke IPTA namun hati dan jiwa gurunya tetap jitu. Macamana ye, tak ada ubat yang boleh meruntuh jiwa guru ini, menyesal sangat jua sebab buat masa kini makin orang tak menghargai nilai ini dah ok. Zaman moden dan globalisasi ye? Ketika saya menulis petikan ini saya masih berlumuran lumpur padang sebab baharu sahaja lepas waktu praktikal dan rasa penat serta berpuas hati sendiri. Dah mencebur diri selama 30 tahun dalam bidang pendidikan namun masih tidak dihargai dan tidak dapat membuat apa- apa demi kebaikan masa depan pelajaran Negara serta masa depan anak- anak sendiri jua. Sedih kan? 

Self- Fitness Profiing

Dear Frens, Self - fitness Profiling among 50's is basically to know how fit or health level of these older adults in order to sustain in their daily routine or at the same time, they could faced any emergencies that needed fitness to solve or avoided injuries occur to them - Definition of health by WHO. In fact that this modern days cause these people having more challenging life by increases of Blood Pressure reading, Stresses in working or even daily routine, Insomnia at night which could affect the person's health concerned. On top of that, decreasing in resting hours could be reduced as well as beneficial gained from slow walk or slow jog that empirically showed when there are consistencies and dedicated mind set of these group of older adults in this study per se. Systematic and scientific approach was used in order to gain results  (after 3 continuous months) as below: 1. Sleeping pattern - changed from shorter deep time to longer time of deep sleep pa...