Look forward and go ahead


Once some things go "out track", that is the time we need to be calm and patient and it needs our passion to solve the problem/s, the dedication and the consistency as well in decision making at that particular moment is very significant actually and nobody could help you perhaps, the person needs to face it and take it (the challenge) or leave it?

Well, life to me is really like "movie" and it is very interesting to go on life but somehow, there are wonderful people with wonderful life and bahagia yet they always complaint life is not good enough for them and of course there are people very unfortunate too and to me it is really depend on the person to take and face it, the internal strength of the person rather than out look fot the person say the answer ok!

There is no permanent incidents per se but always and all the time, things in life would up and down from time to time and who can survive with it is the person could take the challenges and face the challenges, am I right?


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