Never give up

Never learn? No... lesson learnt. Never give up ? Yes, never ever till the end of my this life ok Man!
Mirror principle is the way of life the Man should go with and go on. Great contributer (Man) is never ever asking for reward and Man work hard toward his optimum in whatever Man is doing and never ever be high hope from others accept the one self ok.
Man shoulf enjoy life with the free mind and healthy body and man should building up own strength or own expertise in the involving field and at the end of the day, try to be "the person" in the field if possible for this life ok.
Last but not least, never ever give up because there is nothing on the earth that could stop the Man to move forward and for the betterment especially if the man intent to contribute not for the one only but all Man as well in this lovely earth ok. yeh yeh yeh


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