
Showing posts from September, 2009

Health, Hell and heed

Fren, After 17 semesters of journey, health was affected and the the effects of stresses are great to move a person into hell if not heed to health problems as soon or urgently. The health problems are not created just over night matter but thery were prolong and prolong of stressful life's journey with days and nights and throughout the period of years,ok man. Hell is just right in front door to those who always deny heed on health concerned and heed to the health problems would be liked taking care of own health problems by self and definietly without other party "care" to ok and if there is someone or other party (even the spause) could go along with the life journey then I would say well done and congratulation man! Last but not least, do take care of own health and keep far away from hell with heeding to contemporary issues in healthy lifestyle all the time in order to continue this life journey ok.

Calm in life

Fren, After the 11 Sept, I am really in the calm stage of my emotional or psychologically. After this, there will be "perjuangan hidup" again and I would work hard to complete this life mission at a time. At the same time, I wish all my muslim friends : Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri and Mohon Maaf Zahir dan Batin ok and selamat kembali untuk bertugas atau menjalani kehidupan kelak. Last but not least, there are plenty of challenges in front way and I will workout without fail until NOV, 11, 2009.

Sejarah hidup

Fren, Helpful hands came to me man! Sept 11, 2009 was becoming one record in my life to myself. 1 hour waited outside the room and 2 and the half hours in the room and fren waited outside the room. Time passed like so slow and so slow in every minute counted. Over the session at 12.25pm on Friday and the feeling of relaxing really happened to me there and then ... fren was congrating me and so that I feel that there is another stage to go with another 2 months time man. Well life goes on with even more challenges man. However, I feel very very happy and statisfied myself - SS again dan inilah sejarah dalam hidup saya ok?


Perjuangan hidup yang tidak pernah akan adanya noktah namun ianya sewajarnya berperingkat- peringkat mengikut analogi or kronologi tapi adanya masa masa tertentu cuma hanya berlaku tanpa noktah, itu saja. Kenapa? Mengapa? Karma agaknya. Tarikh: 9-9-09 ke 11-9-09 dan yang mana nak berhenti sekitak demi untuk saya pengemaskini diri sendiri dari segi psikologi, sosial keluarga dan kemantapan kareer? atau apa ? mana aku tahu dan siapalah saya untuk menjawap soalan-soalan itu maka cuma usaha sahaja dan yang menentukan itu? entah lah? Saya teruskan perjuangan demi diri, keluarga, dan bangsa negara. yeh yeh yeh sound good and sound great but so far nothing positive happened yet. Tan Tan Tan tan tan and tan. ha ha ha

911 jadi ke?

Fren, Don't worry fren, this is not that 911 which happened to the twin tower but it is some how will be a big day to me only and I joke of it because also fall on 11 Sept 2009, perjuangan hidup Tan and I wish it will be the day and date ok because no point of dragging too long to face the reality in my journey of study. Jangan risau, peristiwa yang elok sahaja akan berlaku kali ini 911, tak kan lah selalu ada sahaja twin tower yang akan menjadi mangsa gut? yeh yeh yeh, I will face it alone with my believe and my workout thru out several years work ok.


Fren, Siap belum? Siap belum? S i a p , tengah persiapan untuk "peperangan" perjuangan hidupku man. Inilah unkapan saya untuk diri saya selama lapan tahun sudah berlalu... Persiapan akhir ini namapak macam senang tapi sebenarnya tak jugak.. Siap macam tak siap dan tak siap macam siap ... bercelarulah pikiran benak saya dibuatnya apalah... Tap apa , I used to tell myself that as long as I get myself ever ready and try my best, because it was my hard work past several years of time man, that's.

Never give up

Never learn? No... lesson learnt. Never give up ? Yes, never ever till the end of my this life ok Man! Mirror principle is the way of life the Man should go with and go on. Great contributer (Man) is never ever asking for reward and Man work hard toward his optimum in whatever Man is doing and never ever be high hope from others accept the one self ok. Man shoulf enjoy life with the free mind and healthy body and man should building up own strength or own expertise in the involving field and at the end of the day, try to be "the person" in the field if possible for this life ok. Last but not least, never ever give up because there is nothing on the earth that could stop the Man to move forward and for the betterment especially if the man intent to contribute not for the one only but all Man as well in this lovely earth ok. yeh yeh yeh

Kecundang agaknya

Fren, Keluhan tinggal keluhan dan rungutan akan tinggal rungutan saja jika tanpa resolusi yeh yeh yeh. namun apa yang saya sedar ialah kecundang lagi agaknya inilah cabaran hidup saya yang tak pernah selesai atau temui yang elok-elok, kecundang lagi.Ha ha ha hi hi hi. Action taken: It definitely would be, well... totally forget about helping hand/hands ... and just workout according to self satisfaction and especially self career part as long as to my optimum that's all. Last but not least, I must satisfied to what I had acheived so far at this particular moment and I have big event and big hurdle to face for coming time and better concentrate on them again in order for me to go on my capacities and capabilities in my life this generation.

Kenangan waktu sakit

Demam ke ? tak? Tekanan darah biasa dan elok saja namun pagi-pagi apabila saya bangkit dari tidur, saya terasa terus berpening dan sakit kepala yang tak menentu dan seterusnya memang muntah menentu jua; lihat berpusing segala- gala benda yang dipandang; baring diri pun tak; berjalan pun tak jadi sebab sendi- sendi badan saya terasa "Sour" ; makan dan minum sikit pun muntah balik dan nak duduk diam pun tak boleh - aiyoh yoh banyak susah hati dan tak senang segala - gala perasaan. Minta tolong kakak ipar hantar ke klinik penal, ubat pening dan ubat sakit kepala saja diberi dan tururt diberi satu suntikan ajaib , nak baring untuk dicucuk jarum pun terasa pusing persekitaran apalah ini dan nasib saya. Saya diberi MC dua hari untuk betul- betul rehatkan diri, kata doktor perubatan panel dan saya pula macam tutup mata saja sebab bila buka mata pusing lagi segala- gala, macam nak mampuslah. Nak minta "manja" orang rumah? Dia dan anak- anak telah balik kampung (jauh) sebelu...

Salam Satu Malaysia

Merdeka, merdeka, merdeka, baharu saja lepas dan hari ini 1-9-09 di mana usia negara kita telah meningkat dan menuju ke 53? ye ke? ha ha ha. Mungkin ya dan mungkin tak, tak tahu? hi hi hi. macam- macam ada... Malaysia berjaya! dan negara yang terunik serta negara yang memang cukup-cukup mewah dengan kekayaan pertanian, teknologi serta human capital dan usaha seterusnya kena kuat, gigih serta bersefahaman semanagat One Malaysia... Pada saya, 1-9-09 ini menunjukkan tanda dan alamat iaitu langkah masa berlalu dan jantung mendebar makin mendekat, langkah demi langkah ke hadapan dan denyutan jantung saya turut makin mendebar dan berbunyi "kuat" jua aiyoh yoh apa macamlah, cari nahas dan cari susah sendiriloh.Inilah keluhan dalaman diri sendiri dan sebenarnya di depan mata saya banyak lagi cabaran yang tak menentu tahu? jadi apa lagi aiyoh ke depan saja.