Happy Days


I was in South Korea - Itawon, Seoul for 10 days time and it was the most enjoyable and most happy days because I could know the Seoul better as well as getting to know "someone" better as well.

Beside our official duties, we visited almost all the tourism spots surrounding the Seoul like their palaces, their Metrod line transportation which was planned by her was considered very detail and very well.

Dong-Tae- Mon, Nam Tae Mon, Olympic stadium, World cup stadium and their national fitness center etc as well as their local food. Wonderful trip and happy hours over there which I think was sweet memories trip at this moment in my life ok.

On top of the succeed signing agreement with varies universities, we had the chance to investigate the cultural and the socio- economic of Seoul perhaps the South Korea and they are really considered as one of the developed countries in Asia or perhaps in the world because they are really planned well through their transportation's system and the standard of living per se.

I would say that, I would like to visit over there for official duty and could be visiting lecturing or events planned to interact with them for short term and I am not willing to stay there because I feel that Malaysia is still the best country in Asia perhaps in the world, man.


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