Time to think


Time to think? Is this means that all the time our people without thinking? No, the answer is no no no but sincerely to say it :Time to think it seriously... think what? what to think about my fren?

Well, think about our nation's social institutional ; nation educational policies and even our nation security institutional for the sake of whole nation peacefulness because recently there are seriousness of intolerance; insensitivity; cruel ideas; egotism; and well...

Where is our nation wish to ahead? Why not put all afford to workout how to upgrade the nation GDP by not the action of taxing people only? Workout with all resources we have in the multi-capacity; abilities and availability to attract foreign investors or be our own products creators to export oversea instead of import goods only ... but fist thing come first, of cause our nation must make sure that  internally we are peaceful to stay and to live without any suspicious among people around, without fail - just do it.

Last but least to say that open our heart, open our mind to see and to accept people are different even one single person because the varies believes, languages,cultures are the beauty of our nation and we should utilize the combination within these differences and channel to the pit of performance for the sake of own nation's gracefulness ok my fren. Paham ke apa saya cerita ini? yeah yeah yeah.


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