Eating habits


Eat, eat and eat... eating habit is the one that I would like to share for this time. By right, eating is one of the basic survival skills or eat for survive, for energy to be used throughout day, days... When talk about food, there are many perspectives that we could discuss on the topic such as form nutritionist, dietary or sports science even psychology points of view, well ok?

Well, eating habit is often related to daily practices by a person and this mostly depend on the person's family trait or background; the one's orientation since young age or even the formal education concerned and in this case I would say depend solely on- Kiasu concept or the person assumed : "life is mainly to eat" instead of eating is for survive daily and perhaps Kilocalorie (Kcl) that a person's need for a day is actually not so much but depend on the gender - example guy needs around 2300 Kcl per day and lady would be around 1300- 1600 Kcl as well as depending on type of job a person does.

My next request is more toward individual relevancy - How much did you take a day in term of Kcl ? Well... let's  back to eating habit and when it is habit then I think that habit could be corrected but it really need afford, dedication and time as far as "bed habit die hard"  ok. 


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