Maintenance of our Body 1

Our heart is enclosed in a double - walled sac called 1) pericardium(per' i-kar' de-um) and the loosely fitting superficial part called 2) myocardium ('muscle heart").

1) In pericardium= peri= "around" and cardi= "heart", the loosely fitting superficial part called sac fibrous pericardium. This tough, dense connective tissue layer for (a) Protect the heart, (b) anchors it to surrounding structures, suc as the diaphragm and the great vessels that issue from the heart and (c) prevents overfilling of the heart with blood.

In deep of this fibrous pericardium is the serous pericardium, a thin slippery which composed 2 layers; parietal layer and visceral layer( also call as epicardium- this is an integral part of the heart wall).

Between the two layers of serous pericardium is the slitlike pericardial cavity, which contains a film of serous fluid. The serous membranes, lubricated by the fluid, glide smoothly against one and another during heart activity.


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