Sweat after jog


Sweat would be the simplest sign that people said they are enough jog or exercise but actually it is not the total truth because there are others elements which could be more relevant or appropriate but this slot I just wonder to share about sweating?

Sweat glands, also called sudoriferous (Su "do-rif" er- us ; sudor = sweat) glands, are distributed over the entire skin surface except the nipples and parts of the external genitalia. Their number is staggering- more than 2.5 million per person. There are two types of sweat glands: eccrine and aprocrine.

Eccrine (ek'-rin; "screting") are far more numerous and are particularly abundant on the palms, soles of the feet, and forehead. It secretion, commonly called sweat, ia s hypotonic filtrate of the blood taht passes through the secretory cells and is released by exocytosis. 99% water with some salts (sodium chlorides), vitamin C antibodies, (urea, uric acid, ammonia) and acid lactic (Chemical attract mosquitoes).

The exact composition depends on heredity and diet. Normally sweat is acidic with pH between 4 and 6. What about approcine? Next...yeh


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