
Showing posts from February, 2011

Sweat after jog 3

Fren, Apocrine (apo'-krin) sweat glands are largely confined to the axillary and anogenital areas. Apocrine secretion contains the basic components as true sweat, plus some fatty substances and proteins. It could be a bit milky or yellowish color. The secretion is odorless, but when is organic molecules are decomposed by bacteria on the skin, it takes on musky and generally unpleasant odor, the basis of body odor. Ceruminous (se-roo mi-nus; cera= wax) gland are modified apocrine glands found in the lining of external ear canal. The secrete a rather sticky substance called cerumen, or earwax, that is thought to deter insects and block entry of foreign material. Mammary glans, another variety of specialized sweat glands, secret milk. So, let think about the sweating we produced when we having jog sections daily and this will make us feel wonderful and followed with a nice bath ok fren yeh yeh yeh.

Sweat after jog 2

Fren, Sweating is regulated by the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system, over which we have little control. Its major role is to assist in thermoregulation and prevent overheating of the body. Heat-induced sweating begins on the forehead and then speads inferiory over the rest of the body. Emotionally induced sweating- the so called "Cold Sweat" brought by fright, embarrassment, or nervousness - begins on the palms, soles, and axillae (armpit) and then spreads to other body parts.

Sweat after jog

Fren, Sweat would be the simplest sign that people said they are enough jog or exercise but actually it is not the total truth because there are others elements which could be more relevant or appropriate but this slot I just wonder to share about sweating? Sweat glands, also called sudoriferous (Su "do-rif" er- us ; sudor = sweat) glands, are distributed over the entire skin surface except the nipples and parts of the external genitalia. Their number is staggering- more than 2.5 million per person. There are two types of sweat glands: eccrine and aprocrine. Eccrine (ek'-rin; "screting") are far more numerous and are particularly abundant on the palms, soles of the feet, and forehead. It secretion, commonly called sweat, ia s hypotonic filtrate of the blood taht passes through the secretory cells and is released by exocytosis. 99% water with some salts (sodium chlorides), vitamin C antibodies, (urea, uric acid, ammonia) and acid lactic (Chemical attract mosquito...

Jogging for life

Fren, Jog , jog and jog and better jog for life. Do you understand what I meant? yeh yeh yeh. It put off our body weight, so it means burning our body fat You look fresh, healthy and younger than your age ok! The most important is to test our consistency in performing good will to our self and this meant that you are kind to yourself as well as your surrounding ok? Last but not the least, you feel that you love yourself and your surroundings as well so why not take up the effort to jog right from today or now! yeh yeh yeh

Hala tuju

Fren, Once our direction in life is clear and precise then I think later part in our life for every movement would be in line and well progress ok yeh. The problem is inconsistency and lack dedication to work hard enough to achieve whatever our targets are by thinking of "short cut" or easy way without appropriately readiness in self and this might cause ourself into trouble and give ourselve out at the end of the day. Last but not least, whatever we plan and our wishes need to be materialize with hard work and work hard as well right fren?

Move and free like an eager

Fren, In the mid of February 2011 now, see, time pass very fast and I think now is the time I feel free and would move forward according to the early year's plan right, yeh? I think I could not really take up that, what a PhD candidate should learn or should do but he still under the lower range of his academia knowledge especially in thesis writing or research too so, how to ...him? My goodness .... I free myself to accept critical comments and I try to be critical thinking but ....well working on ok.

Happy Chinese New Year

Fren, Tahun Arnab, tahun baru mengikut kelendar cina maka ingin mengucapkan Selamat Tahun Baru Cina untuk diri sendiri serta kaum cina di seluruh Malaysia yang disayangi ini- Satu Malaysia. Yeh. Bagi pihak diri saya amat syukur dan amat gembira sebab bermula tahun baru ini dengan tanda yang amat positif serta menggalakkan contoh penyelesaian masalah kronik dengan sempurna kehendaknya yeh yeh yeh. Ahli keluarga semua sihat- sihat belaka dan bersemangat kehendaknya dan tak lain tak bukan anak- anak saya baik serta sihat belaka ok walaupun batuk- batuk berkahak namun solleh saja. Boleh dikatakan hari bermula dalam tahun arnab ini dengan amat berpihak pada saya jika saya bersyukur dan bersyukur apa yang telah berlaku pada keluarga saya ok. Justerunya berdoa dan bersyukur apa yang akan jadi serta apa saja rezeki saya kemudian hari nanti masih memihak pada saya gut namun tak tamak sangat ok yeh yeh yeh.

The more I read and the more I wanted to know

Fren, When I have time and I put myself up in the tone of reading, so read and read then I actually realized that I gained a lot from whatever I read yet I wanted to read some more because I still feel lacking of reading in my life for the moment or for future. Well, reading is really joyful and time past like no business and without realizing, the person may come to the evening or even night time but the book was still so tick to finish and the lesson learned in this case was we must read according to the planned schedule as well so that we won't left out what supposedly missed ok fren yeh yeh yeh.

Selesai dengan noktah

Fren, Full stop - noktah kan? Yes, problem solved and it became full stop in 2011 ok yeh yeh yeh and I am so glad that I could crossed this trouble with a full stop or else there will be huge problem and upside down case, fren. Well, the next step would be re-plan and moving forward without any mental disturbed at all and I could move freely without burden or timely for say ok. I feel totally free in mind as well as physically perhaps I could get what I suppose to get and that make me feel happy in this life.