New Journey from 2023 to 2024
Year 2023 September which is the brilliant year for whole nation - From GE to SE and now at least slightly stabilized and by right I have million of words to tell, to talk and to discuss but there is nobody really pay attention form my passed posted articles correct? It could be face out of blog among bloggers because there are plenty of platforms to convey own massages among them so Blog? out dated ha ha ha .
2024 - I am the best to solve own problem... big one but no matter how bad it is, how bad it gets. I am sure to make it . I believe my self sill the best. Move forward and did not look back. Learned from mistake and go ahead toward completion of objectives.
Do not blame anyone or anything but Change Yourself. Yes, I took 100% of responsibility on my lost and mistake.
Yes, I take 100% responsibility to fix it back and even make myself be better than before Bravo.
No excuses but self - responsible on it. E + R = O Event + Response = Outcome