Endemic to go

 Pandemic to Endemic - means What?

The way our minister said in the press was - the rakyat take care yourself and government just could monitor and received whatever happen then... correct?

Government wishes to turn back especially to take care other patience in general hospitals as normal as before Pandemic because seem that too long as COVID hospitals that are too many back lock cases and let's put it as the say of unfair to them (normal patience), so this means like it must  kita jaga kita ok.

First and for most, masks is a new normal and no way to go off or go without it any where and any time ok? Distancing also should practice it since then - self- hygiene for sure need to really concerned and considered as far as individual daily practices.

Endemic time to come and this make rakyat have more free time to go for business, leisure and schooling as normal life concerned but make sure with self- discipline as pre text ok if not...I dare not to predict any consequences when the time come - like MCO 4.0 instead of Edu 5.0 ok.

Personally, I pray hard and I keep SOP as well as distancing as much as possible so that this is the basic contribution that I could make as far as micro perspective concerned.


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