Out You Go - OYG

Out You Go... OYG is the word that I would like to send to this "BD" government because as far as integrity is concerned OYG.

I strongly believe that there are - the right things to do and do the right things ok because the world still has its "principles" to follow strictly in order to stay at the correct "Obits" and stay tune to move forward rather then one Hand could control everything or every decision of others. Hire wire Man...

OYG - There is not trust, there is no hope and there are many flip flops because every single thief in the team of this government is trying to gain their own popularity and they are not do correct things for their people who voted them to be who they are now. What the...??

What is next? Let's wait and see either the next "Dungu" or  "Angel" to be on throne to run the country which basically so called own by "M/B" and I could foresee that the next one also will be similar techniques use like: 2 tickets: racist and religious still play the vital role in order for they claim that they own this beautiful country totally.

Imagine that over 60 years controlled the total resources of one nation and yet still in bad shapes now especially at this moment like - poverty getting huge and out of control rate, races discrimination among multi races, quota practices in job recruitment especially government sector, double standard practices in promotion and case by case practice are blindly practice around so these are factors that make the whole nation is very "down" psychologically so how to move forward as a developing  nation, man? OYG and see how? see what will happen next - government?? ok? ok? 


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