Almost end of the 2020


Today is 28/12/2020, it is almost the end of year 2020 so I would like to counting or recalled what did I do thru out this whole year in academic works:

I reviewed with transformed them into power point presentation: 8 books - Research Method ; Statistic ; Hero; APA 6th Edition; Change your mind change your life; Man from Mars and Women from Venus; Law of Attraction; & Sun Tze 

I completed : 1 project in Physical Activity named as Alternative PA during Covid 19.

I completed : 4 academic articles and presented two of them since March 2020 to November 2020.

I more active in publishing on my face book's portal. I communicate with Researchgate's  professors as well. 

The above completion are all completions that I managed to go beside fulfillment of my  own Teaching and Learning with ODL mode.

Last but not least, I handled the Prisma and journal publication on time as well... I am very satisfied with my own works and effort in life for 2020 even though we facing pandemic attack. Gone and by Gone 2020. Coming 2021 : Wishing all frens and bloggers as well as my blog's readers are Stay Safe, Stay Healthy and Stay Handsome to face new challenges in Life.   


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