What a ....s

Dear Frens,

Recalled back to many years ago, there were some (one or two big shorts) so "innocent admins" who was keen in running events for one whole big group of staffs at the weekend without really concerned and considered people "family times" which are so important in our life time ok. 

Hence, ... it stopped for quiet some time ago because at that time, the most members were complaint and "condemn" the admins so seem looked like lesson learnt. 

But unfortunate again... this scenario of having working at the weekend come back to this group of people because there are new "innocent admins" who again keen to work and work even until weekend.

Well... how innocence is these admins and they are not emphasize on quality of work instead of only projected for quantity. In a long week time - Monday to Friday and we are working from 8 am to 5 pm yet assumption make that we could not solve a simple work and still wanted all to do it at the weekend - Saturday and Sunday so when will be their family days or family time? What a....S ok?

Mind set of could not see other people easy life again back to place. So it is a challenging working environment and for sure it could not produce anythings at all ok trust me or do you believe me oop ! ... Bye.



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