
Showing posts from April, 2013


Fren, Appreciate; appreciation or been appreciated are all solid and nice action or even just orally said it out. Appreciate whatsoever you have ; whosoever you are and wherever you are or being just appreciated it or them, my friend because actually life is not really long and in way of life and in between/within  the one's life journey, anythings could happen in the matter of either on you or your love ones see... So just appreciate it and enjoy it while we are still able or capable to,  my friend. Well, show one's appreciation by love, care and responsibilities. For example: love the child, care the one, educate and togetherness with one ok yeah yeha yeha Bye. 

Enjoy it?!

Fren, Small car but brand new car ok. It is Small but came with high tech. Gua enjoy it so much. Gua appreciated it and love it so much. It saves my petrol expenditure monthly by using up electrical device when it is in slow mode especially in town drive, my fren. I just owned it by chance after 25 years of hard working with day in and day out facing sought of commitments and challenges in life ok my fren. Do you understand what I am telling? Yeah just wonder ...

Multi-Skills in T & L

Fren, The process of Teaching and Learning  (T & L) actually in reality it is involving at least 2 parties or else could be many parties to claim that the lesson so called succeed or successful, right? There are many variables involved either external or internal factors but what I would like to share here is just a simple "thought". As a person who involved directly in term of conveying knowledge as well as skills' performance of certain  games in the process of T&L, Multi-Skills needed in coaching, training or teaching so that whatsoever appropriateness achieving the actual objective/s in T & L as the outcome/s.  In a case of swimming lessons - in order to get my learners obtaining the 4 basic skills - front crawl; back stroke; breast stroke and butterfly stroke - I used up Multi - Skills in the lesson/s but without left out the principles of training off course, so ... make the lesson/s interesting and make sure they learned and learn by heart wi...


Fren, Tolerensi - tolerance - the quality of being able to suffer pain, hardship, etc.., without being damaged. (Longman Dic, 1978). You see, betapa mulianya jika seseorang itu sanggup bertolerensi namun orang yang macam ini selalu dianggap "lemah", "pengecut" atau "penakut" oleh pihak yang asyik mendesak atau penerima tolerensi itu, betul? Soalnya, kalu nak tolerensi ini, sampai bila? Jangan lupa prinsip "Spring wire" mula-mula dengan sikap tolerensi namun ditekan- ditekan kuat tanpa beri peluang serta pada akhirnya dianggap juga sebagai mesti toleren tanpa musyuara, tanpa kasi "chance" justerunya apa akan jadi ? Fren? Fikir- fikir le  Tolerensi setahun demi setahun, bertahun- tahun serta berpuluh - puluh tahun sehingga le berketurunan generasi demi generasi jadi apa akan terjadi... entah le ... nak jadi jadi le Fren.  Respect to each other ok...


Fren, Respect... respect and respect each other please? Respect = admiration; feeling of honour (Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, 1978). Without respect, what would happen? Well.... We need other to respect us and off course we need to respect others as well... Mirror principle okay!  With respect each other, thing/s will be done peacefully and solidarity is there so what else and when is the time to respect other? Right now at this moment onward, every single moment when we deal with friends, colleagues, relatives and even our parents or someone who younger than us chronologically., yeh 

Niat tolong, tapi salah lagi

Fren, Niat baik nak tolong, tapi masih ditegur kerana "salah laku" yeh yeh yeh, namun kali ini teguran yang elok - melalui SMS dan bukan "surat tunjuk sebab" boleh terima le. Tapi ALAMATnya TAK NAK TOLONG lagi walau apa dan siapa sekali pun yeh!  Ceritanya macam ini, pada suatu hari, mangsa (iaitu gua) tersekemuka dengan sebuah kereta "mewah" kenalan mangsa, ingat kawan le (just wanted to say Good morning), tapi bukan si tuan kereta yang bawa kereta mewah itu, sebaliknya seorang anak gadis- iaitu rupa-rupanya anak kepada kawan itu  dan si gadis itu mintak tolong Uncle ini untuk tap palang halangan supaya dia dapat berjumpa dengan emaknya - sebutan Si gadis berbunyi "Uncle, could you help me please because I want to see  my mum, I lupa bawa "tag" mum saya" sebagai seorang yang berjiwa ayah atau setakat manusia biasa dan kecil ini - saya pun sentuh dan bagi si gadis masuk je. Semerta itu I terima SMS yang sampai - tuduh saya "...

Kesihatan ini- harta benda diri

Fren, Atas kepercayaan kepada Tuhan, Tuhan yang akan menentukan, betul? Ya memang betul tapi pada hahkikatnya ialah Tuhan telah "beri" apa yang perlu ada seperti tubuh badan, hati, jantung dan... namun sebagai "penerimaNya" tidak tahu atau tidak mahu menjagai mereka dengan baik dan sewajarnya... apa kan jadi? Sakit sengsara diri, hati sekeluarga turut terpengaruh ok? Kesihatn diri ini sebenarnya merupai harta benda diri dan wajib menjagainya dengan elok dan sebaik mungkin supaya tidak memeningkan orang sebelah mahupun Tuhan sebab Tuhan pun sibuk gut? Yeah yeah yeah maka apa salahnya bersenam sedikit dan menjagai diri sendiri dengan elok supaya diri dapat menyumbang balik jasa diri atau pengetahuan diri kepada pihak baik anak- anak diri mahupun anak-anak orang lain ok!

Peaceful, Healthy and stable Life

Fren, Peaceful in mind and heart - less turbulent and less "Tsunami" in daily life. Healthy in brain and psycho motor see, this means that I could work and run my life - fit to face whatsoever happening surrounding me and of course stable life gained at the output of peaceful and healthy lifestyle okay! Last but not least, still back to the question: "What is Life?" and What do you aspect to? Yeah yeah yeah