The Wisdom & Teachings of Stephen R. C


Stephen R. Covey passed away in July 2012, this is a great lost to motivational studies per se because he was and he is always at tip top as best selling book's record so far okay.

Well, I am his  mutual "follower" or what I can say is I own few of his books and the latest one is - The Wisdom and Teachings of Stephen R. C which cost me RM 59.95 but the main intention here  is not the book's price but is the content of the book which I would like to share with friends...

First at all, The principle of ACCOUNTABILITY : 1) Never use the word promise unless you are totally prepared to pay whatever the price is to keep it. 2) Nothing destroy trust faster than making and breaking a promise. Conversely, nothing builds trust more than keeping a promise and 3) To raise obedient children, you and I a parents must be more obedient yo certain law and principles.What say you man?


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