When you are fit, you are happy (Quality of life)?


Well, when you are fit then you are happy - do you agree about this my fren?
Fit - health related and skill related fitness would be the main objective as a person to be happy (Quality of Life) - to be wealth and prominent in their career or daily life (Quality of Life), yeh - do you agree fren?

Aerobic Fitness- involve the aerobic exercises in the presence of oxygen or the ability to - take in, transport, and utilize Oxygen.

Aerobic and anaerobic exercise differ in intensity; light to moderate activity is aerobic while extremely vigorous or exhausting effort id anaerobic.

Table - example of exercise intensity but depends on age and fitness of a person??

Exercise Intensity        Light                      Moderate                                   Intense

Metabolism            Aerobic                      Aerobic                                   Anaerobic
Example:                   Walk                          Jog                                            Run

Heart Rate          Under 120bpm               1200-160                                Above 160bpm

Breathing                  Easy                         Can still talk                               Heavy, can't talk

Muscle fiber         Slow- twitch                 Fast- twitch                                Fast- twitch
involved             (Slow- oxidative-SO)     (fast-oxidative glycolytic- FOG)  (Fast- -glycolytic- FG)

Refer to this guided table cited from Physiology of Fitness (2nd Edit) by Brian J. Sharkey (1984) to justify in which stage a person is in when he/she workout physically in order to obtain Fit and happy life.


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