Fren, I am really feel appreciated when I been informed officially on the "Anugerah Perkhidmatan Cemerlang" from my institution that I served so far the11 years and still loyal to it. Macam kata pepatah " Di mana bumi dipijak , di situ lah langit dijunjungi" betul? Thank you very much. I actually served for government for passed 25 years time within two institutions - KPM and IPTA now and at last I got it - (APC) and I really feel appreciated and happy. Thanks to many parties - "Tuhan" , VC, Dean, faculty staffs, colleagues, friends and my family members & children. I really serve my best to my government and it is my sole commitment since many years back as well as for future and I actually love my job and my career as far as education is concerned. I won't ask for it if I won't deserve it but if someone appreciated or "see" how I much I contributed and appreciated me, please... TQVM. I work hard and really hard ...