
Showing posts from November, 2011

Last day of November 2011

Fren, Today is the last day of November and I attended one seminar yesterday (second last day) on mainly sharing method of teaching and learning or P & P; P by few academicians of Anugerah Akademik Negara (AAN) 2010. Well, in their afford and effort that they put in are well extra than those who are not ready for changes.

Last day of November 2011

Fren, Well, today is the last day of November and I attended one seminar yesterday on Teaching and Learning or P & P; P which conducted by IPT Malaysia to shared their  P&P only


Fren, What contribution could you make after the recognition? Yeh ... Simply as just try to do the best and complete your mission/task and committed to the job as well as  play your individuals roles as part of the organization /institution ok. Next, bare in mind to keep improving self - actualization or esteem and present these characteristics to the younger generation ok or new recruitment in the institution and of course look at the big picture tehn ...

Appreciated and Thank You

Fren, I am really feel appreciated when I been informed officially on the "Anugerah Perkhidmatan Cemerlang" from  my institution that I served so far the11 years and still loyal to it. Macam kata pepatah " Di mana bumi dipijak , di situ lah langit dijunjungi" betul? Thank you very much. I actually served for government for passed 25 years time within  two institutions - KPM and IPTA now and at last I got it - (APC) and I really feel appreciated and happy. Thanks to many parties - "Tuhan" , VC, Dean, faculty staffs, colleagues, friends and my family members & children. I really serve my best to my government and it is my sole commitment since many years back as well as for future and I actually  love my job and my career as far as education is concerned. I won't ask for it  if I won't deserve it but if someone appreciated or "see" how I much I contributed and appreciated me, please... TQVM. I work hard and really hard ...

What's up?

What happened and what's up? No information to share so just left it empty for quite some time ooi ! Done and happy all the time yeah.


Amat risau bila terlihat akan si manja ini tak dapat menumpukan perhatian sepenuh dalam melakukan segala apa sahaja oleh si ayahnya , adakah ini bermasalah "mental" atau bermasalah" personaility"? Apa yang harus dilakukan ok? Cuma bagi tahu diri si ayah itu -- perlahan- lahan atau perlan- perlan yeh, rezeki anak itu tersendiri di man si  ayah itu cuma tumpang "gembira" bila masa manis dan turut susah hati bila bermasalah oleh si manja itu kan betul? Nasib si ayah tak menentu ok ok ko ko Sudah le out you go...

I learn but some time no chance to practice

I like to learn and I need to learn but most of the time, I have no chance to practice whatever I learnt so far, what? so how? yeh yeh yeh. To me, personally, I would take the opportunities to learn as much as possible and I tell myself that whatever I had learned so far were good and beneficial to me and there were equipped myself to face any consequences when possible or when time come. To me, who is border whatever you wanted to learn or learnt but when time come, people for sure expect you to perform whatever up to you capabilities or paper qualification ok yeh.

Detail man

Fren, Once again I query about in detail or detail man... You know what I meant? No... it is ok don't worry because I like to use my own terminology as far as for my own used and not others. Well, I still need it so much as far as academician is concerned, I need to polish a lot of my skills and a lot of my personally stuff per se and I will still in the process of learning and process of practicality ok, am I nor well orientated yet? Oop yeh yeh. I think this is the time I move to another era or stage which I think to fulfill own needs and own right to do or to go about fren.

Not title but tighten up silatulrahim

Fren, Do not look forward title but tighten up silatulrahim would be appropriate because title could come and go (you know what I meant?) but if you tightened up one silatulrahim , this could be sustained for long run in life right? (You know what I meant?) however, friendship needs time and need priority as well ok. Man man lai fren. Tighten up silatulrahim could be start up as so call smile and smile bring good impression or wanted to know some one or try to knowing you roght from that wonderful smile so smile and keep smiling fren. yeh yeh yeh.