Self - emplyobiility


Let's talk about self-employability, what is this Self-employability? There could be thousand of definitions on it because there are few perspective that have slightly different defined on what is Self-employability.

Employment is state of being employed (Longman Dic, 1978), where job is concerned. Self- employability is excually depend on the soft skils a person posessed (during their formal eduction experiences) and their self attitude. The way that self-equipped to present to themselves in the job market (Deilottee & Touche,2001).
What is it about, in order to be measurement on one's self-emplyoability, it has to be defined in dimension form whereas to be objectivity and researchable. That's why it consisted 4 dimensions as: Employment circumstances/learning; Soft skills in work life; Self-attitude toward responsibility as well as self satisfaction of their formal education experience or 4D in this elaboration.


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