
Showing posts from February, 2012

Peaceful and meaningful Life

Fren, It is not easy to gain a peaceful and meaningful life and it needs time and sacrifices (most properly needed) to come to this situation and to me it is wonderful and well done to myself in order to make out my mind and make right decision on the right to spot. Well, life comes with varies choices and varies good wishes in our mind perhaps need some one to really figure out that's ok.

Outline for a Kinesiology Analysis

a) Description of teh motor skill performance b) Anatomical analysis c) Mechanical Analysis d) Prescription for improvement to performance

How to go about studying Kinesiology

Studying it with supplementing book with laboratory experimentation, types of experiences like experiment performed under controlled conditions. Instrument consider in this will be helpful by videotape recorder, whose use enable the careful and prolonged of technique and permits the observation of detail unavailable to the naked eye and in ore advanced measurement method such as electromyography, force sensing instrument and computer simulation are common.

Why need to study Kinesiology?

1) To improve performance by learning how to analyze the movement 2) To discover their underlying principles. 3) Perform with optimum Safety, Effectiveness and efficiency (SEE)

Intro to the study of Kinesiology

The Nature of Kinesiology Its' known in physical education, athletic training, physical therapy, orthopedics, and physical medicine, is the study of Human Movement from the point of view in Physical sciences. The study of Human Body as a machine for the performance of work has its foundation in 3 areas- namely: Mechanics, Anatomy, and Physiology; more specifically as biomechanics, musculosekeletal, anatomy, and neuromuscular physiology. Some authorities refer this Kinesiology as a science in its own right; others claim that it should  be called a study rather than a true science because the principles on which it is based are derived from basic sciences such as anatomy, physiology, and physics. In any events, it involved systematized application of anatomy. psychology, genetics and other biological sciences and can only look with wonder at the intricate mecahnisme of one's body movement.

Chasing time or self?

Fren, I would like to post one simple question- We are chasing time or ourselves? Do you understand my question? or else, please like us think about it and try our best to get the answer ok? yeh yeh yeh. Once we plan and once we wish to do as we planned, please move it or do it or at least try it out and see what is going on and carry on if it is like what we wanted to so... Never try out, never know the result and never ever we will have the experience and once we try out then we will see and we will getting to know the next step as well.


Fren, Filing is matter of time and consistency performance of an individual because it is always never ever fulfillment of the matter all the time so work hard and work "smart" as well. Last but not least, to me as far as the worst situation/s that I would like to venture and settle it/them then I feel good and satisfied ok.yeh yeh yeh.

1st of February

Fren, You see, today is the 1st of February ok. Today is my big day because I was having freedom gained  and tension released day since a year ago. I love this life since then...yeh yeh yeh. I work hard, I work seriously and yet I enjoyed those days and what else ...yeh .

1st of February

Fren, You see, today is the 1st of February 2012 ok. this is a "big day" to me because freedom gained and tension released day for a year time ago.yeh yeh yeh. I like this days togetherness with my lovely children and I work hard, seriously and yet enjoy then days ok. I wish my self to be fit and go on life for coming days as well.