
Simple Isn’t Necessarily Easy

  Pa y  attention by careful listening skill. Especially people’s feedback or comments. Be more appreciative. What I have now is toward s  paying back my mistake that had done, get it over with huge effort earning and saving money, be simple life, healthy lifestyle. Work harder, work smart and save them (money that earned).   You Gotta Believe Optimistic, Attitude was the Time Sooner or later, those who win are those who think they can by Richard Back – Author of Jonathan Livingston Seagull. Yes, I can make it to overcome it smartly in duration of 5 years’ time. I gotta to believe it. No Matter how bad it is, and how bad it gets. I am going to make it. Believe it is possible.    

New Journey from 2023 to 2024

Year 2023 September which is the brilliant year for whole nation - From GE to SE and now at least slightly stabilized and by right I have million of words to tell, to talk and to discuss but there is nobody really pay attention form my passed posted articles correct? It could be face out of blog among bloggers because there are plenty of platforms to convey own massages among them so Blog? out dated ha ha ha . 2024 - I am the best to solve own problem... big one but no matter how bad it is, how bad it gets. I am sure to make it . I believe my self sill the best. Move forward and did not look back. Learned from mistake and go ahead toward completion of objectives. Do not blame anyone or anything but Change Yourself. Yes, I took 100% of responsibility on my lost and mistake.  Yes, I take 100% responsibility to fix it back and even make myself be better than before Bravo. No excuses but self - responsible on it.   E + R = O      Event + Response = Outcome 

Tak Ada Ubat lagi lor

Tak ada ubat lagi Lor... ini membawa maksud di mana jika seseorang itu tahu apa yang tak betul dibuat tapi tetap nak lakukannya serta tidak terasa "malu" atau "segan" walaupun lakuannya memang salah dari segi integriti ok- inilah mansuia yang dikatakan - tak ada ubat lagi lor!!! Pada hakikatnya, buat masa sekarang yang konon- kononnya manusia makin "maju" teknologi di dalam menjalani tugasan atau dalam kerja resmi  masing masing namun apa yang berlakunya keadaan tak ada ubat lor untuk berlakunya kemudaratan dari segi moral dan tingkah laku contoh: Rasuah, salah guna kuasa untuk kesenangan diri, pilih kasih serta cuba menjahanamkan reputasi orang lain dengan tujuan - masuk bakul... angkat sendiri sahaja. Ada masa pulak berlakunya kroni dan tanpa memberi peluang kepada mereka yang betul betul layak untuk menggalaskan tanggungjawan tersebut... ini berlaku dalam penatadbiran, pengurusan dan kelancaran sesuatu organisasi. Keadaan kelam kabut serta Tak ada ubat

Endemic to go

 Pandemic to Endemic - means What? The way our minister said in the press was - the rakyat take care yourself and government just could monitor and received whatever happen then... correct? Government wishes to turn back especially to take care other patience in general hospitals as normal as before Pandemic because seem that too long as COVID hospitals that are too many back lock cases and let's put it as the say of unfair to them (normal patience), so this means like it must  kita jaga kita ok. First and for most, masks is a new normal and no way to go off or go without it any where and any time ok? Distancing also should practice it since then - self- hygiene for sure need to really concerned and considered as far as individual daily practices. Endemic time to come and this make rakyat have more free time to go for business, leisure and schooling as normal life concerned but make sure with self- discipline as pre text ok if not...I dare not to predict any consequences when the t

So so so Greedy

Greed - Strong desire for more food, wealth etc, it is  according to Oxford Leaner's Dictionary 1983 Oxford University Press. Greedy and so so greedy man... you may make investors to run away or even close shop instead of making economy of our country getting better ok?!!! When they ran away from our country then what else to gain "money" to develop our country fren? 51% as equity right??? what equity are you talking about? You are actually take over people's hard work or afford to build their business, my fren? Greedy, it means ok?           Are you telling me that you do not need to work hard for your own wealth but just took over from             others with your political will only? You are too much and too greedy ok!            When you think seriously, if today you can take up this action to a portion of the whole economy                then next day you could take the same action to others sections or even the whole country's                          econom

Pening Kepala

 Pagi-pagi ingin keluar rumah untuk mencari makan- Sarapan. Lalu suatu kawasan perindustrian kecil dekat rumah saya iaitu di tepi jalan terpajak sebuah gerai kecil menjual sarapan pagi seperti mee goren, nasi lemah, kuih muih serta sayur bersama nasi putih di mana agak banyak juaga hidangannya- nampak sedap tapi Pening Kepala say kenapa? Gerai itu dijagai oleh seorang pakcik tua dan seorang makcik tua dengan siap ada "penyukat suhu badan elektronik"  tetapi memang ianya sudah lama "tutup" gerai sejak hari merdeka pada 31/8/2021 sehinggalah pada hari ini  29/9/2021. (Gerai A) Gerai ini duduk di tepi jalan yang tidak berjauhan 20 meter daripada simpang tiga serta tidak ada tempat untuk kereta berhenti untuk membeli atau "Tapau" memang idak strategik kedudukan gerai itu... macam mana nak beruntung ? Di sebalik itu, ada satu gerai kecil dinaigai oleh sepasang suami isteri yang muda sikit sahaja jika  dibanding dengan pakcik Gerai A dan mereka juga adalah penju


Dalam kehidupan seseorang itu sudah pasti ada masa naik dan masa turun dari masa ke semasa. Ketika nasib baik dikatakan "terdapat" manakala kalau waktu nasib menurun itu dikatakan "terlepas"... Kali ini nak cerita pasal "terlepas" oleh si Polan disebabkan masa terlepas banyak ianya disebabkan terlajak usia untuk "terdapat" lagi, di mana alkisahnya Si Polan memang mencapai matlamat hidup iaitu sebagai seorang pendidik yang berijazah kedoktoran namun apa yang terlepas ialah - 10 tahun terlewat atau terlepas maka usia sudah menjangkau waktu "senja" dan perasaan inilah mengakibatkan tajuk "Terlepas" terlintas di benak Si polan. 10 tahun inilah menjadi Si Polan ingin mempertingkatkan lagi karier dah terlewat.  lagi lagi adanya COVID 19 ini pula menjadikan Si Polan duduk dekat rumah untuk bekerja - seperti on line mengajar, menulis manuscript ilmiah serta review buku dan membuat laporan serta menjadinya dalam bentuk power point namu